
UW Seattle-MSCM Kira 面经

[日期:2017-01-20] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:ZijianWang [字体: ]

UW Seattle 的MSCM 项目今年刚刚开始用Kira面试,而且这个项目比较新,CD上的面经什么的都很少,于是我身先士卒地躺了一波为大家,希望能赞个人品。


Q1:What excites you about the MSCM program at Foster, and what are your goals after graduation?

Why should Foster offer you a seat in the MSCM program? What makes you unique compared to other applicants? 只刷了这两个

Q2:Tell me about a time when you collaborated on a project and the group was not working well together. What issues contributes to this, and what role did you play in resolving the problem? 整个第二题虽然有很多表述方式,但是都是讲的TEAM WORK的

Q3:Tell me about a recent time when you had to ask for help with something. Who did you ask and how were they able to help you?

An important aspect of self-development is identifying areas where we need to improve and learn. Tell us about a specific situation where you felt that you needed to improve on something

Please tell me about a situation when you recognized a change in your emotions. What did you do when you recognized the change, and how did this affect your outcomes?

Tell us about a personal weakness you have that you do not feel particularly proud of, and what steps you are taking to improve upon this weakness. Why is this?

Q4: To sell a sneaker in the US market, you can either manufacture it locally in the US, or source it from China. In order to make this decision, how do you get started and what steps do you follow?

You are in charge of a network of grocery or department stores in a coastal state. You have just received warning an approaching hurricane. How will you start preparing for it?

Imagine that you are planning to launch a new design for a line of sneaker, however you are uncertain about its market potential. How would you go about assessing the demand for the new lines of sneakers?


Q5:Tell me about a time when you had to make sacrifices to ensure that your work was done on time. What did you learn, and how will you bring these skills to the MSCM program?

What is your personal method for balancing intense workloads with other necessary aspects of life, such as joining clubs or maintaining relationships. How will you bring these skills to the MSCM program?


Q6: Outside of school and work, to what activity do youdedicate most of your time? Why is this?

What is something outside of school or work that isextremely important to you? How have you committed yourself to this?







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