
Cornell ORIE Video 附往期video题整理[2016.12.11]

[日期:2017-01-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:An2lin3 [字体: ]

跟大家说的一样。。。就是test video打不开。。不过快结束了,只能硬着头皮录了。。

  1. 3 factor for you to apply for this program
  2. Where you get your news and something interesting you read recently
  3. Why you continue your education at this moment
  4. Tell me a time you have rewarding experience on team work, your role and what did you do to make it successful
  5. how your friends value you...



下面附一个往年video interview题的整理, CD上都能找到, credit to other CDers
1. Why choose this program?
2. What do you cherish most about yourself?
3. If you can choose a company to work with, where would you choose and why?
4. What do you proud of yourself outside academia?
5. Why we should choose you instead of other applicants?
6. How would you start the conversation in a networking event where you know nobody?
7. Who is your role Model?
8. Tell me a time you failed.
9. how will your friends value you?
10. What kind of working environment do you prefer?
11. Tell me a time you experience academic difficulty.
12. What did you read in the last 24hrs?
13. What is your weakness?
14. Tell me about your favorite book.
15. Define your 3 characteristics of success.
16. Talk about an experience you wish you would do over again.
17. What do you do in your free time?
18. What is your biggest accomplishment?
19. What is your favorite music?
20. An unethical thing you met and how you handle it?
21. What you think is important thing in finance world?




打印 | 录入:steven


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