
Rotman MBA 面经分享

[日期:2016-12-05] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:严龙伐虎 [字体: ]


  1. 广西大学财务管理专业毕业,算是211工程里面比较垫底的大学
  2. GPA 2.88 哈哈 不要问我为什么,当年根本没想到GPA这东西还有用!国内就业根本不看这个好嘛!
  3. 雅思总分7.5 GMAT 总分720 (GPA不足必须靠这两个弥补啊)
  4. 超过5年的城商行工作经验(其中1.5年总部管理经验,3年部门经理管理经验)


  1. Go through your CV,
  2. Why Rotman, Why MBA?
  3. Post MBA plan;
  4. If you have any new idea of your work, how will you convince your boss to accept it?
  5. What do you do in your spare time?
  6. What do you learn from your experience outside your work?
  7. Greatest accomplishment.
  8. Describe a setback, what did you learn from it?
  9. How do you make connection with others?
  10. What’s your motivation?
  11. What do you like most about your current job?
  12. The most weired people you met in your job.
  13. Enter a room full of strangers. How would you start networking?
  14. Biggest accomplishment in your career?
  15. How do you define success? and what is your success in Rotman?
  16. Applied any other school?
  17. Talk about an experience where you failed at accomplishing something and what did you learn from it?
  18. Why Mba? What do you wish to get out of it?
  19. What do you do or where do you go to if you want to learn about something?
  20. a goal you set but you didn't achieve. why and what you learned from it?
  21. 如果我碰到一个问题,我会从哪些方面开始分析;
  22. 如果要向员工宣布一个坏消息,我会怎么做?




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