
2016 UVA MSA Student Ambassador Q&A 弗吉尼亚大学会计硕士项目校友答疑贴

[日期:2016-09-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:UVA_MSA [字体: ]

一、 UVa McIntire MSA 基本情况介绍

University of Virginia (UVa) 弗吉尼亚大学是美国历史上首个独立于教会的大学。杰佛逊先生出任第一任校长,麦迪逊先生紧随其后成为该校的第二任校长,在美国所有大学中,只有弗吉尼亚大学曾有两位总统任过校长。 http://www.virginia.edu/

McIntire School of Commerce麦金泰尔商学院里有本科和硕士项目。UVa很特别的一点是,她有两个商学院:本科和硕士项目(MSA, MSC, MSGC,MIT)在McIntire,MBA和PhD项目在Darden。 https://www.commerce.virginia.edu/

MSA 会计硕士项目是一个很精致的小项目,平均每届有55~65名学生,有三个Track:One-semester Track,Financial Reporting & Assurance Track和TaxConsulting Track。其中One-semester Track只开放给提前修了Graduate学分的McIntire本科生申请。 现在在读有59名学生,5名One-semester, 42名FRA,12名Tax。 https://www.commerce.virginia.edu/ms-accounting

The University of Virginia's M.S. in Accounting program is a 30-credit-hour, one-year graduate program featuring tracks in Financial Reporting and Assurance and Tax Consulting. The unique faculty interaction, career services and support, and 300+ on-campus recruiters each year result in 98% job placement (including international students) as well as top rankings. An average of 75% of our M.S. Accounting class signing with a Big Four firm.

二、 2016年9月19日北京时间9:00PM-10:00PM MSA项目针对国际学生的在线论坛


三、 自我介绍 这个账户由2017届在读的学生以MSA Program StudentAmbassadors的名义建立,不代表学校或学院官方立场。 只为在申请季开始之际,为大家解答一些我们也曾经困惑过的问题,为大家和学院搭建起一个交流和沟通的平台(毕竟我们每天都路过3楼的招生办公室),希望陪伴大家度过一个信息对称的申请季!

四、 常见问题解答 (引用部分来自Sean Kelley from Graduate Recruiting Office at McIntire, UVa)

  1. 在美国念书但到毕业的时候还不满4年,可以waive TOEFL吗?
    International applicants whose first language is not English are considered for TOEFL waivers if they have studied all four years in the United States.

  2. GPA高可以WaiveGMAT吗?
    All applicants are required to submit GMAT scores as part of their applications.

  3. 专业课都在美国上的,需要提供国内的成绩单吗?需要做Evaluation吗?
    If you earned credit toward your bachelor’s degree from school outside the United States (including transferred credits to a U.S. institution), you must provide an official course-by-course credential evaluation of that academic record directly from the credential evaluator. This evaluation should include grades for specific courses as well as a cumulative GPA. For a listing of professional credential evaluators, visit http://www.naces.org/members.htm.


五、 找工作情况(平均、上届、这届)

六、 在McIntire商学院的一天

七、 在Charlottesville的生活

八、 联系人方式 We actually encourage applicants to fill out an inquiry form here, as they will be connected directly with their specific recruiter (via email): https://apply.mcintire.virginia.edu/register/connect

九、 欢迎大家准时参加在线论坛! 2016年9月19日 美东时间 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 北京时间 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM 报名链接: https://apply.mcintire.virginia.edu/register/?id=1b87e635-836f-42f9-b208-c814fd4fc124 报名后在线论坛地址将会自动发送到登记邮箱中,请于论坛开始前5分钟打开在线论坛地址。

大家有任何在官网上找不到答案的问题,都欢迎提问! 如果我们不知道答案,我们会帮大家问到答案!





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