
ASU-W.P Carey面经

[日期:2016-03-01] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:小奔Grace [字体: ]

ASU W.P. Carey的面经太少了,今晨面试并没有要求保密协议,就过来给大家分享下面经,希望能帮到大家。


和Rayn Froehle还有一个在读MBA面的,两人一人一个问题的问。整个面试持续了几乎1小时是目前为止我经历的最久的MBA Skype面试,问了很多问题,但是我当时其实真的很困,没做任何记录,现在只能回想起来一部分,等后面再想起来再来补充:【问题主要意思没偏差,只是肯定不是原话,凑合看哈。】

- what do you think W.P. Carey can help you?
- what can you contribute to your classmate and the community?
- why MBA? Why SCM?
- can you share an experience that you made the advice/decision after analyzing data/statistic?
- can you share an experience that you were persuaded to try new things?--some follow up questions.
- what your criteria for MBA program selecting?
- what other programs have you applied?
- tell me a failure and what you've learned from that?
- there are a lot of uncontrolled, uncertain (是这两个词,但不记得当时怎么说的了)factors in the supply chain management area, can you share an relative experience through which you tackled such kind of situation and showed your leadership?
- tell me an experience that you faced ethics dilemma and how did you deal with it?
- case interview
- I'm not work, so they asked some questions about my non-working status...-too personalized, not share here.
- the forward focus MBA have six area (具体记不太清楚了,只记得有integrity, leadership, influence...), which one do you think is the most important for you?
- questions




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