
GMAT AWA5.5一点感想附摩版@@

[日期:2006-03-25] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:darlingbobo [字体: ]




In this argument, the author relies on certain anecdotal evidence about ________, as well as the unreliable statistics(comparison) about the general trend among________, to convince us of the conclusion that____________. This argument, appears to be reasonable at the first glance, suffers some critical flaws that seriously undermine the conclusion after the close scrutiny, and according is not thoroughly well-reasoned. The main flaws of the argument would be discussed respectively.

In the first place, the validity of the survey on which the argument relies is doubtful in itself because the survey cited by the author is too vague to be informative. Turning to the proceduce of the survey, the arguer neither mention when and how the survey is conducted, nor does it indicate what the sample size is and how the sample is selected( the other relevant circumstance involving the survey). Until these questions are answered, the result of this survey is worthless as evidence to support the conclusion. 样本错误基本上每个题目都可以套,基本不用改动,黄标和括号内容可以互换。

In the second place, it is necessary to point out another flaw that significantly undermines this argument that the auther engaged in "after this ,therefore, because of this" reasoning. The line of this augument is that because A before B, the former directly caused the later./ the auther unfairly assumes that us as readers must make an either-or choice between_______and______. However, the auguer fails to provide any justification to guarantee that these two are indeed mutually exclusive alternatives./ the author commits the fallacy of "all things are equal", and unfairly assumes that A will remain unchanged over the next decades. On account of too limited evidence of the comparsion/ conclusion, author can hardly convince us that___________.这段中间的三色标出来的充分考虑了七宗罪,挑一个出来讲讲就可以了。

Last but not the least, granted that the author justifies all the foregoing assumptions, the conclusion remains to be doubtful since it fails to establish a causal connection between _________and ______. Without evidence to support the causal connection between these two events the consideration is still unwarranted. 这段是凑字的,这样的逻辑错误总归有的,一定要写。

In a word, this augument, while seems well-supported at first, has several flaws as discussed above. Hence it is unacceptable and of no persuasion as it stands. Yet, it could be substantiated by providing more solid evidence that__________. Accordingly, only with more logical reasoning could this augument turn to be more than just an emotional appeal. 结尾一定要提出点改进意见,就完整了。



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