
UW Foster full-time MBA Skype/on campus interview Summary

[日期:2015-12-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:xjjasd [字体: ]

我申请的R1,10月15日压线交的申请,我问过学校,她说他们在申请截止后才开始审阅材料,所以同一轮里第一天提交申请还是最后一天没有区别。大概11月初同时收到了videointerview和face-to-face interview邀请。

关于video interview题目我总结过,见以下链接https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1227006-1-1.html
face-to-faceinterview可以skype, on campus,或者选择他们去你的城市做宣传的时候面试。我选的是去校园面试。

强烈建议方便的同学面试前参加项目的SHADOW DAY, 和CURRENT STUDENTS一起交流以下,感受一下课堂氛围。面试时候也有更多POINTS可以说,了解了这个项目的话回答WHY FOSTER就不会太空洞。shadow day, information session等举办的日期都可以在项目网站上看到。

ANYWAY,项目学生平均工作经验在六年左右,所以感觉学校比较偏爱招工作经验多一些的,比较好拿奖学金。我个人认为5Y+工作经验比较理想。我自己目前只有两年full time, 所以不是很有信心被录取,不过还是拿到OFFER了,是小奖,第一年一共USD15k,offset一部分学费,第二年奖学金得再申请,basedon 第一年的表现。在论坛看到牛人奖学金offset学费等最后只需要叫2万美元就读完项目了,这应该是大奖吧,哈哈。


1.What'sthe strongest point in your application? What's the weakness in yourapplication?
2.WhyMBA? Why Foster? Why now?
3.Whatare you most excited about at Foster?
4.Whatcompanies do you want to join after Foster?
5.Whatare the three things you expect from an MBA program?
6.Howdo you see yourself contributing to the Foster community / What can youcontribute to Foster classmates? What will I bring to the classroom? Whatcapabilities do you have that will help you contribute to business/school/ whatdo you bring to the program by way of your experiences in life and work? Whywould other candidates like to have you as a member of their class/team? / Whatare ur advantages? What are three strengths that you bring to the Fosterschool?
7.I’msure you're looking at other colleges, so what criteria do you use to pick aprogram
8.Whatdo you think will be your greatest challenge will be while pursuing an MBA? /What scares you most about this program?
9.Whatis the typical day in MBA program? How will you handle two-year study,friendship, family?
10.What'syour working/study plan in 1st year?
11.Howwill you prepare during MBA program to achieve your goal?
12.Howcan you be an outstanding employer after MBA, if you colleagues are all MBA?
13.Whathave been your sources for researching Foster school?
14.Doyou intend to come back to China/Germany early or stay in America and work fora while
15.Howdo you ensure your success in achieving your short-term goal? How you couldensure your success when you graduate from MBA program?
16.Whyyou think XX company will hire you or what your advantage?/ What will make yououtstanding to other (MBA) competitors when you seek the job?
17.Whatis your plan B if you could not join XX Company?
18.Whatwould you do to achieve your professional goal without MBA?
19.Whatskills you want to acquire in a b-school?
20.Didyou talk to someone in the industry you are interested in?
21.Whydid you choose xxx as your first job?
22.Didyou consider other jobs at that time?
23.whydid you choose your undergrad college
24.Tellme one day of your student life in my undergrad school
25.What'syour contribution to your company?
26.Someresume questions, Career progression/roles, Why did you get position in yourcompany
27.Detailsabout an extracurricular activity I had listed on my resume / Experience withleadership. Describe a significant leadership experience? In that experience,what parts can be improved?
28.Tellme what you do every day at work? What do you enjoy most about it and what mostfrustrating? / Likes and dislikes of your current job
29.Whatis your most significant accomplishment in your current workplace? Last timereceived compliment from your supervisor / what is the best compliment you'vereceived from a superior? / The greatest compliment you have received.
30.Howdo you handle negative feedback/Describe a time when you received constructivecriticism? How did you respond? What change resulted from it?
31.Tellme about a time when you effected a change/ Tell me about a time when youchanged a process/ went beyond your responsibilities to improve something? / Anexample of making changes to your organization
32.Whowas the most influential person in your work experience
33.Howwill you improve yourself (after you leave school / when you work)?
34.Theleading style of your boss
35.Whatmakes you disappointed?
36.whatdo your clients or colleague describe you, what characteristics you have 
37.Whatis the biggest challenge in team experience? / experience of working in a teamwith a difficult teammate?/bad experience of a project
38.Whatrole do you play in a team?
39.Tellme an experience you have conflicts with your boss / How do you solve conflictsbetween your boss and you?
40.What'syour definition of success? What's your definition of failure? Please give mean example of your professional failure. / Frustrated experience
41.Whatis your definition of Professionalism?
42.Whatis your greatest achievement? / What's the thing you have done surprises youthe most? / what's the most risky thing you have done?
43.Whatdo you do for fun? What's your entertainment out of work?
44.definesoft skills, how to improve your soft skills
45.Ask interviewer questions




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