
【面经】Case Western Reserve University(CWRU)_MSM-OR/SCM_interview with Karla Schieb

[日期:2015-12-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:SunnieTsai [字体: ]

12.10刚跟Karla面完Case的OR/SCM,分享一下面经回报社会︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿希望对大家有帮助:

预约了美东时间7.30am,7点刚过不久Karla就从skype上发消息确认面试信息,告诉她I'm ready后不久她就拨过来,楼主点开的是视频,但对面只是音频。网络还算稳定(画面有点延迟),Karla语速很慢吐字很清晰,总时长约14分钟。问的还是以前面经的常见问题:

1. Why case? why &*^%? Why now?
其实问第一个问题时忙着调整灯光中间没太听清只听清了why now...但我猜就是why case, why weatherhead, why scm这一类就一口气答了...
2. What is your short-term goal and long-term goal?
3. What other schools have you applied?
4. What factor will help you make the final decision if all the schools you applied admit you?
5. What inspires you?
我想问具体点...她很快补充in life...
6. What is your strength among all the applicants? Sell yourself to me.
7. Any questions?
Q: what specific quality or aspect do you or Weatherhead care for?
A: basic knowledge/solid foundation...we don't want the students to suffer...
And diversity/uniqueness
Q: what job have you done in 2015 to help promote the job hunting of the graduates, like career fairs...
A: We have 3 career fairs a year...schoolmate的network也很好...

Karla 真的互动好少,有时候好久都不插话...答到sell yourself的时候一口气blahblah说了好多我都觉得快没得说了...就问了她一句是想听我继续展开讲这方面还是换个话题...不过她很nice,说oh we are doing good...也没要我继续讲下去...

整体感觉...weatherhead还是很看重数理基础,可能跟课程难度有关;另外还是要强调自己的独特性,可以丰富到他们的diversity。准备面试时不妨照着简历多往这两个方向,希望大家都取得满意的结果︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿




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