
刚录完NWU Kellogg MSMS,妈蛋半夜skype也是醉了 [2015-02-23]

[日期:2015-03-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:wmh0110 [字体: ]

录完了,过程比较曲折,约的是central zone早上十点,我这边是晚上十二点 - -


点进去,一个银发中年大妈,她的名字我没听清楚(感觉大家都是同一个大妈 - -),然后就是说明是blind interview,然后就开始问了。

问题都非常常规,然后其他人分享的面经里面说到的追问部分,有是有,但不是很多 - - 可能是我在面UFL的时候三个面试官把我一个resume上的问题追问到中国扶贫问题,所以我觉得kellogg的追问也还好吧 - -



1. Self-introduction?

2. Introduce academic background / education?

3. Introduce your university and study?

4. Walk me through the resume?

5. Why did you choose your major?

6. Why come to U.S?

7. Why you chose MSMS of Kellogg?

8. If you are not admitted by Kellogg, what’s your plan B?

9. Show me your critical thinking using your experience of learning one course in your university?

10. Talk about your short-term and long-term career plan? (Ask for an explanation) Why do you XXX as your career goal?

11. What did you do in your recently internship?

12. What’s your leadership style?

13. Leadership and teamwork experience? What is the most challenging experience you have encountered / in your startup? What did you learn from your leadership or teamwork experience? What work did other people do? Why such task arrangement?

14. What role do you want to play in a team if there is a new-style group work?

15. What can you contribute when you are not the leader but the group member in a group work?
16. What do you think is the biggest difference between leadership and team member?

17. How do you persuade CEOs and Directors to join in your workshops?

18. What else not on the resume but you want to share with me? You have told your hobby, so how do you think does it link to management?

19. What can I tell you about our Kellogg / Q&A?

自我感觉还行,但是根据规律,自我感觉还行的肯定被拒,自我感觉不行的肯定拿ad - -

然后,我问大妈,是不是TOEFL和GMAT会影响录取呢?她说,今年不看gmat,妈的我720白考了 - - 然后她最后很傲娇地说“哎哟,我不能告诉你toefl会不会决定录取啦~”


这所录完,反正我觉得肯定没希望了,太dream school了,硬件水准达不上……如果大家有什么疑问的话,可以写在这个帖子下面,我会时不时地冒个泡的。

最后,希望大家能offer多多啦,可怜的我至今只拿了一个ad,其他七所还毫无音讯 - - 希望发面经能攒RP!!!




打印 | 录入:steven


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