
UT, UIUC, USC, UNC -- which one?

[日期:2005-10-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:evergreen [字体: ]

--  作者:evergreen
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 15:06:00

--  UT, UIUC, USC, UNC -- which one?

I finally got offer from UT-MPA. Among USC, UNC, UIUC, I am more inclined to go to USC, but now with the offer from UT, I am hesitant... Please give your advice. thanks a lot

--  作者:newblue
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 16:06:00


恭喜  楼主可否分享一下背景

--  作者:gmatplayer
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 16:55:00


UT of course!


--  作者:ballpark
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 22:04:00

Ut 啰,校友网络很强的,在纽约都吃的开

--  作者:ellesue
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 22:18:00




--  作者:dock13333
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 22:20:00

我也觉得UT 而且还可以去看姚明
--  作者:ml0836
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 23:18:00



搂主有没有收到E-MAIL要求summer enroll, take financial accounting?我可不想这么早去。。。

--  作者:chenholan
--  发布时间:2005-3-25 23:21:00

--  作者:nyasu
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 3:29:00

嗬嗬,,好厉害啊,介绍一下背景吧,是不是又是会计本科,又有big 4经验的啊?
看来就算是ut uiuc这样的名校也被不少申请人拒绝啊。。。赫赫
austin, houston那边还蛮可以的样子啦。可是和加州比,,,加州阳光的诱惑力太强拉。。。kaka。

--  作者:evergreen
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 4:31:00


My background is GMAT 720, GPA 3.9. I have a master degree from a US university but no previous accounting background whatsoever, which means I have to take the summer courses. But it\'s basically the same for any one-year accounting program if you don\'t have an accounting undergraduate. I\'m weighing between USC and UT for some reasons. Anyone knows about the job prospects for UT or USC? I think this is the most important thing to consider. UT has an internship opportunity, but not sure about the possibility of getting one. Anyone knows whether UT provides financial aid to international students?
UT, UIUC, USC, UNC -- which one?  (https://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=14&id=101122)

--  作者:nyasu
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 4:49:00

job placement 都是接近100%德拉。实习对于accounting major 来说也不是大问题。去哪个都差不多的。

--  作者:gleaebb
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 5:03:00



This guy graduated from USC, and he\'s a manager in one of the big4. 他这帖子里好像有提到USC




--  作者:nyasu
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 6:07:00

他有一点这山望着那山高。 也不太知道应该怎样衡量自己的价值。((不过他说的是big 4的事情。如果不想去big 4 也许两个学校就没有很大区别了吧?)

如果他在ut,夏天也是要修课的吧,所有summer都是众所周知累死人的啦,如果ut program更好,他怎么就不说在ut 上他可能拿到个c呢?
--  作者:larry98
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 10:25:00



Met an american guy this morning, in class of \'05 at UT MPA. below is what i was told:

1.almost everyone already got job offers at this time.

2.quite a few offers from dallas, but also from NYC,seattle, boston, calif...etc. This guy got his B.S from Dartmouth, will work for Pricewaterhouse in NYC from August. He grew up in New Jersey.

3. Half of his class are from out-of-state(Texas). 30% of the class are international students.  class size:~100

uh, that\'s about it... don\'t know if it\'s helpful info or not.... In my mind, they\'re all top schools in accounting, you make your own choice eventually. USC is a nice private school located in great area, plus the great weather in southern Cal., Austin is a little warmer in winter, a bit hotter in summer, also has plenty of sunshine, about 300/365 days... Great Chinese foods in LA, numerous great places to travel around LA or Cal., but Austin is much smaller than LA, although it\'s also a mid-size metro-area in U.S., and it\'s one of the most livable cities in US, small hills and nice lakes scattered around this city, indians referred austin as a gem in Texas hundred yrs ago,  even Texan look differently on Austin due to its liberal atomosphere, "Blue Austin, Red Texas" is the best description about austin in last year\'s presidential elections...Again, if you like big cities, go to USC, otherwise, choose UT.

* i\'m not in accounting area...

--  作者:chenholan
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 10:41:00

For MBA, defintetly USC
--  作者:evergreen
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 16:06:00


Hi Larry, thanks a lot for the information.  UT Austin sounds very fine to me, the only worry is the intern opportunities.  If there is quite a large possibility of getting intern chance as international student, UT would be better choice for me even compared to USC. Also, tuition of UT Austin is a little too high, even higher than USC, especially as a public school. Anyway, thanks a lot for your information.

--  作者:niyou
--  发布时间:2005-3-26 22:50:00

--  作者:ml0836
--  发布时间:2005-3-27 0:46:00

Thank you, larry
--  作者:dock13333
--  发布时间:2005-3-27 18:59:00


USC的费用应该比UT-Austin来的贵 我看他网站上一年课程加上暑期班


--  作者:evergreen
--  发布时间:2005-3-28 3:51:00

USC\'s tuition is $38,000, plus living expenses it would be about $50,000 total. Dock123 have you checked UT\'s website? It seems to me that one semester in UT MPA (12-15 credit hours) costs $14,000 tuition and fees alone. If you study 42 credits, which is usually the case for non-accounting students, it would be almost $40,000. Besides, UT might increase its tuition for 2005 (up $78 per credit). This would pump its tuition up for another $3000. On the other hand, living expenses in LA are not as expensive as said. If you share apartment with other, monthly rent is about $450. Eating is LA is cheap, I heard water melon in a nearby grocery costs just 9 cents per lb. Nice news for fruit lovers.:-) On the other hand, austin is not that cheap, at least more expensive than UNC, UIUC.  Anyway, that\'s just my personal research results.:-) Welcome other input. 



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