
NEU (Northeastern University,美国东北大学)商学院MSF面试问题汇总 [2014-04-04]

[日期:2014-04-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:cdbgin009 [字体: ]
  1. Why MSF major?/Why you choose finance?
  2. Why this university?
  3. Why this program in NEU? (1+2)
  4. What attracts you most? (2)+One year program
  5. How do you know my program? Through the official website
  6. What do you expect from MSF program?
  7. What challenges  will you face if you are admitted and how to overcome such challenges?
  8. What is your short-term and long-term goals?/What is your career goal?/What do you want to accomplish
  9. Why you have decided to pursue a graduate degree at this point rather than to find a job?
  10. Will you work in the USA or go back to China?
  11. How a NEU degree/this program will help you to achieve your career goal?
  12. Why do you choose to study in the USA?
  13. What are your strengths to apply for this program?
  14. Are there other universities/Business School you have applied? What are they?
  15. Team Experience; What can you learn from these experiences? (最重点最核心的问题)
  16. Introduce yourself (Your Nickname). How about you (interviewer)? What is your hobby?
  17. Go through and highlight your resume.
  18. Academic Questions (Leadership, Finance)
  19. Any Questions?
    (1)Can I have your (the interviewer’s) email address?
    (2)How many applicants for this program this year? How many have been admitted? Is this program super competitive this year?
    (3)When can I know the result of final decision?
  20. 写感谢信给Interviewer.


  1. 尽量用同一个例子覆盖尽可能多的问题。例如,第15题,successful/unsuccessful怎么去定义?还不是我们自己定义。结果成功,过程失败,算成功;那么结果失败,过程成功就不算成功了吗?当然不是。所以没有必要去成功和不成功都去准备不同的例子。
  2. 前面几道题目的答案都有重合的部分,大家自己斟酌一下。
  3. 记住,这是面试,不是写作,答案准备要充分,但是千万不要每道题准备的都想写作文那样!言简意赅是面试的王道!
  4. Go Through Your Resume大家可以Google一下,有很多很好的建议。




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