
Sample Essay: Chicago - 1

[日期:2005-09-30] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:jkmbe [字体: ]

QUESTION: If you were a character in a book, who would it be and why? What do you admire most about this character, and how does it relate to you personally and/or professionally? (300 words maximum)

I would be Frodo Baggins from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Frodo is a hobbit, a shorter variation on a human, living in the Shire, a quaint green hilly region of Middle Earth, a fantastical world invented by Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings follows Frodo and his compatriots on their quest to save Middle Earth by destroying a ring that will give the Dark Lord overwhelming power.

I would choose Frodo not because of his great achievements nor his noble quest, but because of his determination, his risk-taking and his wisdom. Frodo continued on his quest due to the high cost of failing to complete it. This determination was the key to Frodo's successful completion of the quest. I hope to exhibit this same level of determination throughout my life, both professionally and personally. In addition, Frodo was a great risk-taker. Though many other characters attempted to persuade Frodo to refuse his quest, he continued despite the many dangers he confronted. He did not do so foolishly; he contemplated each step and made thoughtful decisions appropriately. Risk-taking is key to achieving great things and I hope to take such steps in my professional and personal future. Frodo did not pursue his quest alone, however. He was wise enough to recognize his own limitations and to surround himself with characters possessing complementary skills. His compatriots included two men, an elf, a dwarf, three other hobbits and a wizard, all with different strengths that aided Frodo in his quest. I hope to act with the same wisdom that Frodo did by surrounding myself with others possessing complementary skills in my professional and community endeavors.



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