
11月30日,上海 GMAT 770

[日期:2004-12-31] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:justin_y [字体: ]

Finally finished gmat this morning. the 770 score is surprising me, coz i havent thought about it before.

This is my first time to leave messgae here, hope my experience could give CD friends some confidence.

My revision materials:

Asked 5 days off for preparing the gmat, and havnt done priceton review and kaplan, did the pp3, and both test are 710. So u understand why i am surprised. Finished official guide one time, and did the GWD tests from 1 to 8. Looked some jijing yesterday. And I havent done any writing pratice before, (this part I am worrying about.)

Some Hints: (Sorry, some points are really "stupid", but I did make these mistakes.)

  • To the right test center. I went to the Guoding Rd Caida, but actually it is the one near ShangWai.
  • No need to ask for the test code of business schools, the test have the selection on school names. (I got up very early this morning to check the B-school code)
  • During the test, try all means to be concentrate. I had the 1st CR after 10th question, and then a lot SR questions continually came out during 20-30 question. I just said to myself to try my best whatever the questions shown up.
  • GWD's test is useful. (I made around 4-5 errors on Maths, and 8-15 on verbal). It is still mysterious to me how GWD can have the 13 tests which is very close to real test.
  • Time is not a big problem, espcially for RC, be sure understand the RC at the first time and the question will not be difficult to answer.

All in all, wish all good luck.



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