
香港中文CUHK MBA最新面经 [2014-02-20]

[日期:2014-02-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:faye饭饭 [字体: ]

背景:非211学校 加权85  雅思7 G720  四大工作第三年 背景很弱,遭遇的面试经验却跟似乎跟之前论坛看到的都有些不同。从一年前开始准备考试并申请学校,最初目标是锁定香港学校的master,基本是第一轮申请却都完全无回应。1月抱着试试看的心态申请了CUHK的MBA,幸运地拿了面试,我很感恩,认真地准备了一堆常问问题,可惜完全没问到。

2.20一大早跑来港中文,face to face面试,面试官只有一位,大名鼎鼎的Lawrence Chan。开头寒暄了几句,连self introduction 都没问,就开始各种challenge,楼主招架不住几乎要当场落泪T T

  1. Actually you are so young, you only work for two years. You are not suit for our program. Do you think it's right time for you to attend MBA now? Why don't you find a job in a company now and come back to apply two years later?
  2. Even we admitted you, we present your CV with other 80 MBA candidates, you are the weakest one. There's nothing outstanding in your CV except your Gmat. The employer may even never want to talk to you.
  3. Forget about McKinsey, you can never enter McKinsey for the rest of your life. The talents of a consultant are hard to learn. Those people are born naturally for McKinsey.
    (楼主说想要有career switch去做咨询,目标是德勤或EY咨询,说麦肯锡很好但肯定进不去,还没说完就被打断了。。。泪奔)
  4. Have you applied a consulting firm or talk to people doing consultant?
    (我说有两个前同事转去做咨询,有交流过)Do you know the differences between you and them?
  5. You say you want to join Deloitte Consulting, but the recruiting people of Deloitte Consulting come to recruit people, they will not give you a chance to present yourself. You say you have passion, have interest, but they don't care, they just want people who can do the job directly.
  6. I have spent 45 minutes saying that you are not suit for our program, do you still want to attend MBA now? Did you expect that I will challenge you like this?You should think about what I said carefully.

整个面试我每说一句基本都会被challenge,的确没有预料到会遇上传说中的压力面。CUHK一直是我的dream school,我知道自己的确很不足很年轻,也很感激Lawrence对于我职业发展给出的宝贵意见,但是面试是否应该抱着尊重每一位申请者的态度,无需在言辞上太过激烈呢?我庆幸自己一直微笑应对到最后一秒。






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