MBA项目每年出国短期交换学习的时间基本在春季(1月份左右)和summer。有很多学生在刚刚过去的1月份就去了不同的地方,internationalpracticum(去当地的公司做项目)和intersession(修课程)都有。具体国家的话,每年都不太一样,以下是今年的几个地点,并且有具体做的项目介绍,希望能帮助大家更好的了解USDstudy abroad的情况!
Buenos Aires: 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯
4 projects
18 students
1. Globant
Globant is the Latin American leader in thecreation of innovative software products. The company has 15 offices located in4 different Latin American countries and is now looking at opening newlocations in the US, Asia and Europe. Students are to perform some market research to analyze which low costlocations around the globe would be ideal for Globant to start operations, and determinean entry strategy for their business. They are also to develop a positioningmodel to attract and retain IT talent in these new locations.
2. Bodega Lagarde
Bodega Lagarde is a Mendoza based mid-largesize family business winery that exports to 40 different countries around theworld. The company wants to strengthen its current position in the US market aswell as introduce its wines to different states in the Unites States. Studentsare to define strategies to enhance company’s current image in the US, identifynew potential markets and design a business model for its growth strategy abroad.
3. Hit CoWorking– 4 students
Hit is developing co-working spaces aimedat improving the quality and conditions of companies and employees. The companycurrently has 7 locations ready to be rented and needs help developing a marketentry strategy as well as a tactical plan for the creation of its mobile siteand web platforms.
4. La Fabrica del Taco – 4 students
La Fabrica del Taco is a Mexican restaurantlocated in Buenos Aires that wants to expand operations and growinternationally. The Taco business needs help developing and designing a SWOTanalysis and marketing plan to fortify their position in Argentina as well as amarket entry strategy to expand to the United States and other internationalmarkets.
Dominican Republic: 多米尼加共和国
1 project
3 students
1. Edify, Inc.
Edify is a nonprofit organization headquartered in the US butwith subsidiaries in several locations around the globe, including theDominican Republic. Edify provideszero-interest loans to partner institutions, Aspire and Esperanza, that, inturn, administer low-interest loans to small, private, Christian K-12 schoolsthat provide low-cost educational services to children from largely low-incomefamilies. These schools need funds to be able to develop electricity access inthe area so they can provide computer education in their school. Students are to investigate whether “solarrooftop microloan” would be a viable loan product for their partner NGOs,Aspire and Esperanza. As part of thisinvestigation, the consulting team should identify why more small businesseshave not acquired rooftop solar. Theywill need to discuss both the physical/engineering issues and the financial/marketingissues to develop a “solar rooftop microloan” product to be marketed by Aspireand Esperanza.
Rio de Janeiro 巴西里约热内卢
3 projects
6 students
1. In Press
In Press is a 25 year old marketing and communicationscompany located in Brazil. The company has a performance evaluation system thatis not in line with the company’s goals. Students are to develop a new evaluationprocess that is straightforward and applicable to help employees align theirefforts with the company’s goals to increase efficiency.
2. Ciabrink
Ciabrink is a small manufacturer of educational wooden toysin South Brazil that wants to expand to other countries in South America.Students are to develop an analysis of the Brazilian toy market in order todetermine opportunities for growth in the current market as well as an analysisof the neighboring countries. They are also to analyze and suggest various Chinesecompanies that could become potential Ciabrik partners or joint ventures.
3. SECOVI-Rio is the Real Estate ManagementAssociation in Rio de Janeiro, representing more than 33 thousand commercial,residential and mixed units, as well as almost 5.4 thousand real estatecompanies. Students are to develop a strategy to increase SECOVI’s websitetraffic as well as a marketing strategy to attract new businesses to advertisein their website and new end customers.
Shaghai 中国上海
3 projects
20 students
1. WD-40
Students are to identify some of the key performanceindicators in the industry and indicate where WD-40 is lacking/doing reallywell. With this information students are to develop a value creation strategyfor WD-40’s top 10 customers.
2. Shanghai Foreign Services
Shanghai Foreign Services is a consulting company in Chinathat provides management services to customers. Students are to analyze thecompany’s portfolio of services to assist the company in prioritizingopportunities that will lead to its growth and brand awareness in the short andmedium term.
3. iPai
iPai is a US company that is introducing a new way topurchase consumer goods in China – via auction. Students are to help thecompany define and prioritize opportunities in this big market by performing anin depth research and suggesting western entry strategies into eastern markets.Students are also to help iPai define what marketing/communication strategiesare the most effective to succeed in this market.
关于intersession,今年我们fulltime的好几个学生是去的香港,修的课程是global supplychain。
对于大家比较关心的费用问题,我把自己了解到的信息分享给大家:Study abroad都是可以单独申请奖学金的 一般都是几百刀