
WUSTL SCM R2录取,弱背景靠PS和面试逆袭,申请季节终于结束!申请经验分享,回馈CD

[日期:2014-02-01] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:sandy567 [字体: ]


720 106 985 211 本科新闻+经济学




  1. What do you want to get out of your graduate school experience? (60s)
  2. 说说我们为什么要录你而不是其他学生
  3. 能给他们带来什么
  4. Why is the lifestyle of this industry right for you? (60seconds)
  5. Describe your perfect job upon finishing this program. (60 seconds)
  6. 除了SCM,还希望哪种职业?
  7. Ideal job 的特点
  8. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now? (60 seconds)
  9. 领导和团队能力60s
  10. What do you think your three qualities to be an effective leader?
  11. What do you want to be in a team, a player, leader or coach?
  12. Tell me about a time when you were on a team and it did not work well
  13. Tell us about a time when you worked with someone who had a different perspective from you.
  14. When facing a conflict, which of the following characteristics is most important in solving the conflict? Why? Communication, adaptability, experience
  15. What do you think your three qualities to be an effective leader?
  16. Tell us about one of the most effective teams you have participated in. (60 seconds)
  17. Describe an example of ideas you were successful in getting accepted in a group study situation.
  18. Describe a specific experience when cultural difference impacted on working relationship. (60 seconds)
  19. Tell us about a time when you worked with someone who had a different perspective from you.
  20. Most important accomplishments
  21. What is your favorite memory from childhood? (60 seconds)
  22. 举一个你曾经push yourself to do more than the minimum
  23. Tell me about a time when your expectations were not met and how you responded
  24. What is the biggest risk you have taken? What was the outcome? What would you do differently if you did it again?
  25. Describe a chance that you adapt to a new environment, a kind of "fish out of water" situation? (60seconds)
  26. What has been the most significant goal you have achieved? How were you able to achieve it? (60seconds)
  27. 说说你遇到的最难deal with的人的经历
  28. What have you learned from your participation in extracurricular activities? (60 seconds)
  29. What did you like about your undergraduate experience? Are you looking for something similar? (60 seconds)
  30. What is the most important thing you learned from school? (60 seconds)
  31. What mark do you feel you've left on your undergraduate school? (60 seconds)
  32. have you received any constructive criticism from your supervisor and how did you respond?60s
  33. How do you manage your time? (60 seconds)
  34. Walk me through your typical day.(60 seconds)
  35. If you could talk with any living (or deceased) person, with whom would it be and why? (60 seconds)
  36. Your favorite animal?
  37. Can you please share something fun/unique about yourself that we may not already know?
  38. How do you define success? What’s your biggest success?
  39. 你觉得你在什么样的study environment下最comfortable
  40. 如果你能拥有一个超能力,你希望是什么
  41. 给你30天,你会做什么?
  42. 你朋友会指出你的三个优点和三个可以提高的地方?
  43. 说说你怎样准备在很多人面前演讲的经历
  44. 说说你的最大的优点和缺点
  45. 你认为高分能证明你的学术能力吗?


我跟面试官laura聊了40多分钟。全程信号非常好,无delay。最后我问她我能不能用10分钟强调一些东西。然后我激情澎湃的演说了每段经历都是宝贵的只要能够学到东西(楼主大学英语辩论的激情都用上了- -)。我从来不觉得我学新闻是弱势,相反我采访过很多人,我对社会的认知比他人成熟多了blahblah个人称述了好久。。

感觉olin真的很open minded(但是真的好喜欢有国际交流背景的学生- -!)只要show出你的passion和determination,用心写essay,用心把自己的激情在面试中表现出来,你可以的。

面经直通车 https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-890252-1-1.html



if you chose a job you love, you never work a day in your life.大概就这样吧,希望大家都能去dreamschool,未来能够做自己喜欢的事情。




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