
WUSTL SCM Video 面经来啦 [2013-12-19]

[日期:2014-01-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:就爱吃芒果 [字体: ]

14号我的中介老师说要录video  19号截止 我是第二轮 可能对这一轮的同学没啥帮助了 就帮帮下一轮的好了  就一直在论坛上搜面经

一共有三次机会  每次的3个问题是不一样的   一共一个小时  而且!!!  上传的时间是算在里面的!!所以大家录的时候要留出上传的时间啊   我就是网速太慢第一次给浪费了!!

我是用iphone 的前置摄像头录了  而且记得要把手机横过来录  一定要在家里多试几次 看哪个方向录 导出的视频方向是对的  因为有时候方向不对。视频录出来就是倒的。 iphone 前置录出来3分钟多一点  80多MB 不太大   不过如果你们怕上传时间不够的话 也可以再压缩了再上传

还有最好尽量选择网线 不要选择用无线网   网线的比较稳定   我第一次就是无线网悲催了  不过如果你们家网速很快  或者在校园网网速奇快的时候 请忽略我~~~~~·

我第二次就凌晨 月黑风高的时候录的  还传了35分钟  我一直觉得是我家网在跟我闹别扭......

题目感觉一定要准备关于你自己的什么hobby 优缺点之类的   团队学习 合作的例子 成功失败的得有


  1. 最喜欢的学习环境?  Comfortable 学习环境
  2. If you could talk with any living (or deceased) person, with whom would it be andwhy?(60 seconds)
  3. Whatis your favorite memory from childhood?
  4. why olin?
  5. 讲一个teachingexperience,or when the time you had to explain the things to others. do u think it is successful, why?
  6. How do you like your university experience. Do you lookforward it in your graduate school.
  7. list three important things when you select your graduateschool
  8. 最effective的team experience
  9. Tell me about a time when you were on a team and it did notwork well
  10. 毕业以后的perfect job
  11. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not knowyou? (60 seconds)
  12. Talk about a current event evolving in the world headlinesand why you find it  interesting.
  13. Give an example of where you pushed yourself to do more thanthe minimum
  14. 你有superheropower的话,你要选什么
  15. 如果你看见一个fellowstudent is about to do something that breaches the integrity policy of school
  16. Describe a chance that you adapt to a new environment, akind of "fish out of water" situation?"
  17. Please tell us what math and computing coursework you willhave taken in your last year of study? (貌似也是固定不变的)60s
  18. What do you think your three qualities to be an effectiveleader
  19. what do you want to be in a team, a player, leader or coach
  20. Tell us about a time when you worked with someone who had adifferent perspective from you.
  21. When facing a conflict, which of the followingcharacteristics is most important in solving the conflict? Why?
  22. Tell me about a time when your expectationswere not met and how you responded
  23. What is the biggest risk you have taken? What was theoutcome? What would you do differently if you did it again?
  24. Can you please share something fun/unique about yourself thatwe may not already know?
  25. 你朋友会指出你的三个优点和三个可以提高的地方?
  26. 给你30天,你会做什么?
  27. 除了金融,还希望哪种职业?
  28. 你最大的优点和最大的缺点是什么?
  29. 讲一个你需要去解决问题的例子 你是怎样handle 它的
  30. 讲一个你自己的想法被group study 所接受的例子




打印 | 录入:steven


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