
会计硕士-UIUC, UNC, UTA-如何决定?

[日期:2005-07-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:georgiachen [字体: ]

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-25 14:16:00

--  会计硕士-UIUC, UNC, UTA-如何决定?

我申请了UIUC,UNC,UTA,NOTRE DAME这4个学校的会计硕士,UIUC, UNC给了OFFER,Notre Dame据了我,UTA尚无消息。所以我正在犹豫,比较UNC和UIUC的会计硕士,哪个更好呢?UTA的会计一直是排名第一的,但是据说它最早要到4月才给消息,有点等不及了啊,UIUC,UNC都是5月底6月初就开学的。

一直以为UIUC的专业排名第二,今天上来看了那么多帖子,才发现是MAS排第二,MSA的口碑似乎不怎么好,于是本已经作出去UIUC的决定又有了些许动摇。当时查学校的时候,也不知道MAS, MSA这两个当中排名第二的是哪个,而且MAS要求TSE但我没考过,所以就申请了MSA。

UNC的书面OFFER中明确写到,只有kpmg,E&Y,DTT招聘国际学生,其他大公司一律不给国际学生面试机会。但是我在国内四大做了两年多,毕业之后不想再去四大了,想请问一下UIUC MSA专业的国际学生在毕业后有没有去大公司做内审或者财务的?(因为还没有收到UIUC的official offer package,不了解这些情况。写信问了它们career service,但还没给我回复)



--  作者:mankih
--  发布时间:2005-1-25 15:19:00


congratulation. 我也是今年申請的.  UTA 它說最遲四月有消息

想問問你的profile. 如academic, professional 及recommendations. 謝謝

--  作者:beqing77
--  发布时间:2005-1-25 17:14:00


据UIUC 的同学讲,MSA也不是很好念的,那里的教授很有个性,超cool。UT AUSTIN固然好,但是就是很晚给消息。

毕业之后,可以做Financial Analyst 嘛,不一定再做Auditing的,但是如果要留在美国,估计做Auditing 的机会更大一些。回国发展也不错啊,至少你的background很强。把真实的想法告诉VO,应该很容易信服吧!

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-25 18:29:00


我是2002年毕业的,之后在BIG 4做了2年多。现在在做内审,以后毕业之后也想做内审,毕竟工作强度比BIG 4小的多。就是不知道在美国读了会计硕士之后会不会又迫不得已地绕回到BIG 4。。。。。

my profile: Top 5 university in China, Management School, non-accounting major,

GPA ~3.7, TOEFL 657, GMAT 720

+2 years working experience in Big 4

Recomendation Letters were written by 2 university professors and 1 manager of BIG 4.

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-25 18:33:00


mankih 还申请了哪些学校呢?


--  作者:a_fool
--  发布时间:2005-1-25 20:31:00

Texas 也有很多好公司吧。
--  作者:readytosayno
--  发布时间:2005-1-25 20:48:00


以下是引用georgiachen在2005-1-25 18:29:00的发言:

我是2002年毕业的,之后在BIG 4做了2年多。现在在做内审,以后毕业之后也想做内审,毕竟工作强度比BIG 4小的多。就是不知道在美国读了会计硕士之后会不会又迫不得已地绕回到BIG 4。。。。。

my profile: Top 5 university in China, Management School, non-accounting major,

GPA ~3.7, TOEFL 657, GMAT 720

+2 years working experience in Big 4

Recomendation Letters were written by 2 university professors and 1 manager of BIG 4.


--  作者:gmatplayer
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 0:01:00



--  作者:ballpark
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 0:49:00



--  作者:ballpark
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 0:54:00

再补充一句,如果你不想进 big4的话,就更不能选unc了,他唯一能给你提供面试的三家公司就是big4

 --  作者:mablechen
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 3:52:00

其实这些学校都不错,我个人prefer UIUC, 而且你已经被录取了。 你可以等等UTA的消息再作最后决定。
--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 9:28:00

回复 8楼:NOTRE DAME,我赶的是第一轮deadline,好像是11.2号吧。不要没信心啊。相信自己

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 9:33:00


以下是引用mablechen在2005-1-26 3:52:00的发言:
其实这些学校都不错,我个人prefer UIUC, 而且你已经被录取了。 你可以等等UTA的消息再作最后决定。

但UTA的反应实在太慢,据说最早要到4月底才给消息,恐怕到时候我UIUC的签证都拿到了(如果没有被签证官据了的话)。是不是应该写信给UTA的admission officer,威逼一下?

另外一个顾虑是,UTA要8月底才开学(UIUC 6月初开学),通常招聘10月份就开始了,选了UTA的话,刚去那边1个多月就得跟外国人竞争找工作,生怕不适应啊。。。。。。

--  作者:ballpark
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 9:39:00

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 9:51:00



UIUC给了我EMAIL通知我已经被录取,而且我已经把个人资料回复给学校之后,它说admission office准备好official paperwork之后就会express mail给我。不过我等了1个半月还没等到,就写信问小秘,她说"Unfortunately, we are still experiencing some delay in preparing paperwork.  We will let you know when we express mail it to you."。它不会到时候放我鸽子,又不要我了吧?!

--  作者:mankih
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 9:56:00



我也報了uta, uiuc. 我是昨天submit 我的app

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 10:53:00


Wish you good luck, Mankih! ^_^

--  作者:kenny_keming
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 10:55:00




--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 11:30:00

--  作者:mankih
--  发布时间:2005-1-26 11:44:00


georgiachen , 謝謝.

我想我的profile 比較弱的是gmat  同gpa (B) ..

我也很想入uiuc 同uta. 希望其他方面搭究.
--  作者:littlebug
--  发布时间:2005-1-27 13:18:00


我估计楼主最后还是得去big four,美国的master of accounting中中国学生最好的出路就是四大。内审很好直接从学校中找人,大公司的财务会计找的人很少,竞争很激烈。你有没有绿卡,人家可能面世的机会都不给你。

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-27 13:41:00




--  作者:mablechen
--  发布时间:2005-1-27 13:51:00


以下是引用georgiachen在2005-1-26 9:51:00的发言:


UIUC给了我EMAIL通知我已经被录取,而且我已经把个人资料回复给学校之后,它说admission office准备好official paperwork之后就会express mail给我。不过我等了1个半月还没等到,就写信问小秘,她说"Unfortunately, we are still experiencing some delay in preparing paperwork.  We will let you know when we express mail it to you."。它不会到时候放我鸽子,又不要我了吧?!



--  作者:larry98
--  发布时间:2005-1-27 14:38:00


UT-Austin is not UTA (UT-Arlington). hehe, i can tell you more about UT and Austin...

I think you should wait the decision from UT. I knew some pals in MPA program, it\'s so easy for them to secure a job, nationaly or locally. You won\'t regret it.  Although Austin is smaller than Chicago, there\'re numerous hi-tech companies located here, Dell,IBM,AMD,Intel, Motorola (Freescale)...etc. The life here is definitely more exciting compared to UIUC. Austin is also consistently ranked among the top 3 most livable big cities in U.S., hehe also great weather ~300 days sunshine per year... it\'s a very liberal city, unlike any other cities in Texas, also it\'s called "live music capital of the world"..

NEVER heard anyone who doesn\'t like Austin...hehe... good luck!

i personally have been lived in MI, PA, NYC, TX (Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Austin) during last several years... austin is one of the best. (the other is NYC). ..places I visited or temporarily stayed (less than 3 months) don\'t count.

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-27 16:28:00


谢谢LARRY兄。以前一直都是打UT at Austin的,来了这儿之后看到别人写UTA,为了图省事也把它错误的缩写了,呵呵。

我知道Austin有很多高科技公司,但近来high-tech公司不太景气啊,除了4大之外的其他大公司本来就不太愿意招国际学生,这些公司还会给我机会去面试吗?也许芝加哥的机会可能稍微多一点?我在芝加哥的朋友告诉我那里job market挺好的。Larry知道芝加哥那边的情况吗?


--  作者:putiren
--  发布时间:2005-1-28 12:37:00


请问你的offer 有奖学金吗?



--  作者:putiren
--  发布时间:2005-1-28 12:39:00

我上面指的是UIUC MSA
--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-28 14:02:00


UT Austin, uiuc, unc的会计硕士都明确说了不给国际学生奖学金的。



--  作者:UIUCer
--  发布时间:2005-1-28 14:34:00


Congratulations to georgiachen!

By default, UT stands for Univ. of Texas at Austin. I used to study in the MSA program at UIUC. Personally speaking, I believe you may find a decent job, whichever school you decide to go, as you have big 4 job experience in China. The issue is where you wanna live. Recently, there have been a lot of job opportunities in Texas, cities like Houston, Dallas, Austin. It is said that Austin was ranked as the #1 livable city in the US.( No comment on it as I have never been there). Personally, I prefer Chicago, even the midwest area is  famous for winds in winters.  Big 4 in Chicago have a strong preference for UIUC\'s accounting graduates (specifically, MAS). But that preference does not eliminate the chances of MSA students\' getting an offer. Like I said, you will be at an advantage position, since you got audit experience in big 4.

I relocated to Houston and work at Big 4 currently. I miss my campus life at Champaign-Urbana, miss those cool cool accounting professors. Welcome to UIUC!

--  作者:larry98
--  发布时间:2005-1-28 15:22:00


In terms of accounting, I think UIUC and UT are in the same level. As for job market,  Chicago might be better than Austin, given that Chicago is a big business city only second to NYC. Since Big 4 are no longer your preferred firms, it would be no difference for attending either school, plus the high-tech industry seems start picking up (correct me if i\'m wrong).  My dislike of awful weather around Greak Lakes area was the reason for my last post. Although summer in Chicago is very beautiful, the long, cold winter ruins my opinion of Chicago. One year of suffering experience in Michigan prompted to move to warmer state, my current roommate moved from Chicago 2 years ago, we\'ve been sharing lots of such experience, like digging a car out of feets of snow in winter...etc..

Both schools are top ranked nationally, so it wouldn\'t be too hard to find a job anywhere. Like I mentioned, NYC is also a great place to work after your degree is done. So you may also check the alumni network of both schools, try to find out which one has a strong network in NYC, or any other big or good places. My point here is, you don\'t have to limit yourself within only one metro area, you definitely can reach out to get more with a top MSA or MPA degree. Don\'t forget Houston is also only 2.5 hours away from Austin, Dallas is about 3 hours. So, why don\'t you pick a school or place has more fun or being livable? then you won\'t be feeling too bored during 1.5 or 2 years of study...

Of coz these are my 2 cents, it\'s your decision, though. Good luck and Congrats to you!

p.s. I\'m not majoring in accounting, and know nothing about it.
--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-28 15:50:00


Thank you so much, UIUCer and Larry,

UIUC is delivering is official paperwork to me via UPS.  Hope I can get more information after I read it through.  At present, the living condition of the city does NOT matter to me as long as I can find a decent job in a big corporate company.  I plan to return to China in 2 years after graduation, so chances to find a decent job (preferably not an entry-level one) in a corporate matter MORE to me.

Wish you all the best in US!

--  作者:georgiachen
--  发布时间:2005-1-28 15:53:00

btw, call me "georgia" pls, not "georgiachen"
--  作者:littlebug
--  发布时间:2005-1-29 7:22:00


以下是引用georgiachen在2005-1-27 13:41:00的发言:



Maybe you will change your idea cause Big 4 can sponsor H1-B, which is really important for many international students.

Good luck anyway!



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