
乱谈Top 10(麻烦各位不要太乱,得有个度吧)

[日期:2005-07-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Shuzhen [字体: ]

--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-7-4 11:01:00

--  乱谈Top 10(麻烦各位不要太乱,得有个度吧)
所谓top 5,是hbs,stanford,wharton,kellogg,sloan,这5个老东西二三十年之内武林盟主的地位大概是无人挑战的了。

即使有人挑战,想必就是chicago,columbia,fuqua这三个有钱有势的名门望族,这三个大款永远站在top 10的行列里,偶尔窜到top 5的桌子上去一吃就是一两年。挤得MIT老大不开心的。

综合来说,这个小tuck永远占着第10名,上不过第9,下不过第11,稳如泰山,马步不错,从来不去top 5的桌子上捣蛋(WSJ的排名你以为真的有人当真哪,别傻啦,除非WSJ老老实实把Stanford和MIT放回到Top 10)。

Michigan曾经在第二名的位子上坐了多年,表面善良宽厚,其实找女婿的标准高着呢,郭靖这样的傻冒他是怎么看都不顺眼。Johnson是出了名的狂人,杀人不见血的,都是东邪西毒一般的人物,即便哪一年不在Top 10的行列里两个老家伙都不会太伤心的。心态好靠得是是一辈子的实力,不是一两次排名能够左右其心情的。

Stern, Hass, Anderson,Yale四个家伙最近十年来都暴发了,大有后来居上之势,即使不算top 10的常委,好歹也是名副其实的top 10中央政治局候补委员,哪天什么常委拉肚子失眠,这几个候补一个猴跳就上桌了。也算Top 10,大家有异议吗?

--  作者:shazhi
--  发布时间:2003-7-4 11:19:00

Really funny!
--  作者:wenchiwin
--  发布时间:2003-7-4 16:38:00

--  作者:chrisgmat
--  发布时间:2003-7-5 0:02:00

--  作者:迅捷
--  发布时间:2003-7-5 2:01:00

Stern, Hass, Anderson,Yale都能算得上是top10候补,那我们家的Darden往哪儿站??Haas也就算了。其它三个,都爬到上面了?
--  作者:迅捷
--  发布时间:2003-7-5 2:05:00

--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-7-5 12:33:00

迅捷斑竹,真的对不起了,Darden一直是我中央军委副主席,由于最近媒体对党政方面的宣传太多,同时三个代表思想加大了对暴富起来的同志们的包容程度.以至于我军重要领导人物一直在贵宾室喝茶.Darden治军有方,权高势大,创立了Virginia特种高精尖军团,动如脱兔,曾经叱咤于Top 10常委之中,静如处子,这两年军务繁忙的连常委会唱卡拉OK也顾不上来了,然而,无数睿智而且胸怀大志的申请人仍然能够透过媒体的喧嚣看到Darden的光芒而不远万里赶来投奔.


--  作者:wannafly
--  发布时间:2003-7-5 12:55:00

只有HBS, wharton, stanford, kellogg一直比较稳定。
columbia也很稳,一直在前10, 但从来没有进过前5。
--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-7-5 14:02:00

wannafly斑竹说的也是,不过Stern好歹有纽约户口,虽然搬格林威治去了,和老邻居华尔街还是关系很密切,再说,NYU好歹培养过一个叫格林斯潘的光头老汉,金融系与商学院乃是一母所生,千丝万缕,联系密切,还是有资格进Top 10的,在有些排名上甚至已经是前6或前8了。

Columbia也是有纽约户口,虽然BW没有排她Top 5(再说BW只是嗓门大而已,未必是最好最科学的排名),但是US News和Financial Times 还是很尊重她的.

说Yale  SOM实力有限,目前还对,但是人家学好数理化不如有个好爸爸(老爹耶鲁大学可是东海岸的封疆大吏,而且是巨大无比的吏,美国总统克林顿老不死小不死都是门下),Yale  SOM是属于太子党中比较认真学习上进的厉害人物,现在由于申请人数比中国GDP翻两番的计划涨的还快,录取标准已经与Top 10 基本上没有差别了,尤其是对于中国大陆申请人而言.而且目前已经把重点从非政府组织管理转到金融,连学位都改成MBA以正其名(以前可不是,查查Yale  SOM的家谱就明白了),进入Top 10是大有可能的.

--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-7-15 13:07:00

其实老外也经常纠缠于Top 10的乱谈,比如说我下面转贴的一段话,之所以说这个人是老外上因为大多数的中国人不太可能在聊天的时候用拉丁短语与暴龙、三角龙等白垩纪的生物来描述商学院。


What con artist Wharton alum sold this board on the concept of a "top three" business schools? There is no "top three".  Just ask any Wharton undergrad kiddie where they want to go when they get to real, grown-up business school. They will say Harvard or Stanford. Ask any Harvard or Stanford undergrad econ major, and they\'ll say the same thing. Harvard or Stanford.

Therefore, there is a "top two." The top three is an illusion of these boards that does not exist in real life.

You\'ve got two types of MBAs. Those who have the background to get in anywhere they want (ie, Harvard and Stanford students) and those who don\'t (ie, students at any other business school.)

It\'s like the dinosaurs. Everyone knows that Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Triceratops is a good fight, but those two could kick the ass of any other dinosaur, no contest.  Harvard is like the T-rex, undisputed king of the dinosaurs, bigger than any other. Stanford is the scrappy Triceratops, smaller than the T-rex, but still able to put up a good fight with its three "defensive horns" of good weather, high GMAT scores, and access to "cutting edge" Silicon Valley technology.

Wharton is like a Stegosaurus or Diplodocus.  Or maybe a Raptor than can fly around and annoy the T-rex, but knows it will get its wings bitten off if it flies too close.


--  作者:usdusaj
--  发布时间:2003-7-15 17:09:00

interesting article.
--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-7-22 8:25:00

--  作者:wwwzzz
--  发布时间:2003-7-26 0:29:00


--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-11-20 21:01:00


超一流:HBS, Stanford

一流:Wharton, Columbia

1.2流:MIT, Chicago

1.5流:Kellogg at Northwestern, Tuck at Dartmouth, Fuqua at Duke

1.8流:Michigan, Darden at Virginia, Stern at NYU, Yale SOM, Johnson at Cornell, Hass at UC Berkeley, Anderson at UCLA



--  作者:thankceleste
--  发布时间:2003-11-20 21:12:00


--  作者:atongmu
--  发布时间:2003-11-20 22:20:00


以下是引用Shuzhen在2003-11-20 21:01:00的发言:

超一流:HBS, Stanford
一流:Wharton, Columbia
1.2流:MIT, Chicago
1.5流:Kellogg at Northwestern, Tuck at Dartmouth, Fuqua at Duke
1.8流:Michigan, Darden at Virginia, Stern at NYU, Yale SOM, Johnson at Cornell, Hass at UC Berkeley, Anderson at UCLA



--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-11-21 12:12:00


以下是引用thankceleste在2003-11-20 21:12:00的发言:



https://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=13&ID=24780  “大家来聊聊各大名校的特色吧”
--  作者:wwwzzz
--  发布时间:2003-11-21 16:05:00

--  作者:thankceleste
--  发布时间:2003-11-21 20:42:00


--  作者:wannafly
--  发布时间:2003-7-6 21:33:00

--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-11-21 21:47:00

--  作者:uiber
--  发布时间:2003-11-22 1:08:00


--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-11-22 23:27:00


以下是引用wwwzzz在2003-11-21 16:05:00的发言:


--  作者:atongmu
--  发布时间:2003-11-23 1:58:00

kellogg之牛有目共睹,不过好像总也摆脱不了超级marketing school的形象,难以成为超一流学校。
--  作者:chipmunk
--  发布时间:2003-11-23 4:21:00

Actually Kellogg is a big feeder for Consulting recruiters just after Wharton.
--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-11-23 21:23:00

BW ranked Kellogg No.1 for about two times.  If I remember correctly.
--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-12-1 22:15:00


U.       founded       alumni     Alum clubs    Avg. alum gift    Median alum gift
Dartmouth College        1900        7,500        20       N/A         N/A
Harvard U. 1908          37,979        108         $3,600         $200
U. of Chicago        1898          36,467         63         $3,525            $100
Northwestern U.        1908        41,400       81        N/A           N/A
Columbia U.            1916        27,650          41          $5,014       $150
U. of Pennsylvania         1921         26,521         82     N/A      N/A
USC (Marshall)          1922          18,119          14       N/A       N/A
Texas-Austin           1922     13,349       22         $1,267       $125
U. of Michigan          1924 23,000 40 $953      $100
Stanford U. 1925        14,537        46            $3,604      $275
UCLA (Anderson)       1939         15,973         20          $870        $250
UC Berkeley (Haas)      1943          10,233         22       $1,285       $125
Cornell U. 1946 10,252 15            $250           $3,130
Indiana U. 1947 13,012 48          $526           $100
U. of Maryland 1947 6,206 1 N/A N/A
Carnegie Mellon 1949 6,952 12 N/A N/A
MIT 1952 7,579 25 $100 N/A
Kenan-Flagler 1952 5,586 19 $1,676 $100
Emory U. 1953 4,106 11 $1,500 $100
Washington (Olin) 1953 6,543 44 $333 $100
Virginia (Darden) 1954 6,817 27 $3,445 $250
Purdue U. 1957 5,666 N/A N/A N/A
Rochester (Simon) 1958 9,775 4 $332 $100
Michigan State U. 1960 7,213 N/A $1,265 $100
Duke U. 1969 8,497 24 $465 $150
Vanderbilt (Owen) 1969 5,467 15 $494 N/A
Yale 1974 4,343 170 $523 $150
Georgetown U. 1981 2,817 64 $424 $100
Notre Dame  1987 4,293 243 $490 $751
New York U. N/A 59,000 N/A N/A N/A

--  作者:cthd007
--  发布时间:2003-12-2 13:36:00

Hehe. Shuzhen bro, where you got this info?

Whaton alumni has been over 77,000 for now...

--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-12-2 13:49:00

偶的数据来自 BusinessWeek 的 comparator,大概过时了,谢谢你指出来,类似的还有:

University                   total cost of MBA                 annual budget
UC Berkeley (Haas)  $44,306 $39,206
UCLA (Anderson) $45,184 $32,071
Texas-Austin  $50,012 $35,000
Indiana University $46,900 $34,754
Purdue University $46,064 $32,172
Michigan State University $40,500 $32,810
University of Maryland $47,412 N/A
UNC (Kenan-Flagler) $57,860 $45,982
Virginia (Darden) $61,688 $44,844
Notre Dame   $52,970 $38,005
Columbia $64,308 $54,960
University of Michigan $65,372 $47,932
Vanderbilt (Owen) $58,320 $47,074
Emory University $58,816 $43,440
Georgetown University $60,000 $50,720
Washington (Olin) $60,580 $51,822
Yale $60,730 $47,637
Carnegie Mellon $61,400 $46,200
Cornell University $61,950 $45,821
Rochester (Simon) $62,244 $62,244
Duke University $62,700 $46,778
USC (Marshall) $63,360 $47,267
MIT $64,940 $56,470
Northwestern University $65,600 $55,200
University of Chicago $65,912 $57,730
New York University $66,032 $55,876
Stanford University $66,600 $57,756
Dartmouth College $67,155 $55,290
U. of Pennsylvania $69,892 $58,681
Harvard University $73,540 $58,400

--  作者:thankceleste
--  发布时间:2003-12-2 15:08:00


以下是引用Shuzhen在2003-11-21 21:47:00的发言:






--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-12-2 15:49:00

东北的沃顿吸引了如下中国的精英在向你所说的雪花菲菲大步迈进(来源:wharton S2S: http://s2s.wharton.upenn.edu).  Cheers for both them and you:

From:  JUNLI6   Nov-17 8:32 pm  To:  ALL   (1 of 15)    6274.1 

I know there are many applicants from China. Why don\'t we introduce ourselves and get to know each other?

I am currently working in Shanghai with 4 years work experience in consulting and private equity. Just got the interview invite on Nov.17th. Will take the hub interview here in Shanghai.

From:  JASON_QIU   Nov-18 10:15 pm  To:  JUNLI6   (2 of 15)   6274.2 in reply to 6274.1 


Would you like to share your perspective on the interview? I am targeting round 2.


From:  JUNLI6   Nov-18 11:09 pm  To:  JASON_QIU   (3 of 15)  6274.3 in reply to 6274.2 

Will have my interview on Dec 5th. I can share with you after I finish it.

From:  JASON_QIU   Nov-19 1:30 am  To:  JUNLI6 unread  (4 of 15)   6274.4 in reply to 6274.3 

Great. Finger corssed for you. Look forward to your good news!


From:  ZHUBIN   Nov-19 5:31 am  To:  JUNLI6   (5 of 15)  6274.5 in reply to 6274.1 

Hi, Junli6,

good luck to your upcoming interview!

I am working in Shanghai, too. Going to apply in the round 2.


From:  QWCHEN   Nov-27 1:55 am  To:  JUNLI6   (6 of 15)   6274.6 in reply to 6274.1 


I now work in Shenzhen and scheduled the interview on Dec.5. Maybe, we can share some ideas by email. My email box is qwchen@sse.org.cn.


Quanwei Chen

From:  JUNLI6   Nov-27 3:37 am  To:  QWCHEN   (7 of 15)   6274.7 in reply to 6274.6 

Good idea! Will drop you an email!

From:  LILOJ   Nov-27 3:45 am  To:  JUNLI6   (8 of 15)   6274.8 in reply to 6274.7 


i\'m r1 applicant, just back to shanghai from philly, visiting the school and conducted the interview on campus last friday.

nice meeting everyone here,


From:  MZENG2   Nov-27 5:03 am  To:  LILOJ   (9 of 15)   6274.9 in reply to 6274.8 

oh wow you flew all the way acorss the world? now that\'s something!

hope your interview went well

by the way I was born in China and came here when I was really young but I do consider myself an applicant from china :)

good luck with your interviews, I\'m doing an alumni interview next weekdn

From:  LILOJ   Nov-27 5:38 am  To:  MZENG2   (10 of 15)   6274.10 in reply to 6274.9 

so you\'re in states and didn\'t make the on campus interview?.....mmmmm....

hehe, actually, on campus inteview had pros and cons, i was compared with native speakers and the interview was conducted by a 2nd year student which lasting only 30 minutes.

anyway, we\'ll see. wish you good luck!
--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-12-9 16:21:00


--  作者:atongmu
--  发布时间:2003-12-12 18:43:00


1.  The Dean pointed out that most of Columbia抯 peer schools are reexamining their pre-term programs, recognizing that business schools are much more heterogeneous today than they were several years ago. Columbia Business School is part of a seven-school consortium that includes Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg, Chicago and Sloan.  All seven schools are considering building a joint on-line module that would be part of a more extensive pre-term program for incoming students.  

2.  The Financial Times MBA 2000 ranking shows many similarities to the 1999 survey but it also throws up some surprises.  At the top of the table are the self-annointed group of seven top US business schools: Harvard Business School, the Wharton school at the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, the Sloan school at MIT, Columbia, Chicago and Kellogg at Northwestern University.   

3.  The Magnificant Seven Meet: Safwan Goes to the Semi-Annual Vice Dean抯 Meeting.  The top seven business schools share information several times a year. The Deans of each school meet twice a year and the Vice Deans meet separately twice a year (in case you抮e wondering, the schools are Harvard, Wharton, Columbia, Stanford, Kellogg, MIT, and Chicago). Here is Safwan抯 account of the most recent Vice Deans meeting, which took place here at Columbia two weeks ago. 

BL: What is this group?

SM: The group consists of the seven self-anointed great private business schools. We meet with our peers twice a year, primarily to benchmark against one another, to discuss topical issues that affect us all, and to collaborate. 

4.  The European clubs of Columbia, Chicago, Harvard, Kellogg, MIT-Sloan, Stanford and Wharton Business Schools are presenting the first edition of their European recruiting event: MBA Eurotrek 2003.  The MBA Eurotrek 2003 will connect leading companies based in Europe with 400+ first and second year MBA candidates from seven top US business schools. For more information visit: http://www.mbaeurotrek.com/

--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-12-12 19:55:00

M7 就是 Magic Seven 啊!  你进了这7个学校,后半辈子就算是卖咸菜别人也不敢小瞧你了,大家都知道你是喜欢卖菜而不是不得不卖菜。如果偶去卖菜,即使是偶的爱好,别人也都会同情的在偶的帽子里丢硬币的。

Magic Seven 翻译一下就是 ”魔法学校“, 进去了你就是哈利波特了。

Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg, Sloan MIT, Chicago, Columbia

Tuck 其实一直是M7中央政治局候补委员。
--  作者:atongmu
--  发布时间:2003-12-12 20:11:00



--  作者:chipmunk
--  发布时间:2003-12-13 5:45:00

Actually M7 do exist. The Dean of those 7 private schools hold meeting every year, discussing about common issues, like score-non-disclosure.
--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2003-12-13 22:11:00


(1) Harvard

(2) Stanford       Wharton

(3) Chicago       Kellogg       Sloan@MIT

(2) Columbia      Tuck@Dartmouth

(5) Fuqua@Duke       Johnson@Cornell       Yale       Michigan       Darden@Virginia

(3) Stern@NYU       Hass@UCBerkeley       Anderson@UCLA

(3) Carnegie Mellon       McCombs@Texax-Austin       Kenan-Flagler@UNC-Chapel Hill

(5) Goizueta@Emory       Olin@WU in St. Louis       Indianna       Simon@Rochester       McDonough@Georgetown

(4) Smith@Maryland       Marshall@SCU       Mendoza@Notre Dame       Krannert@Purdue

(4) Fisher@Ohio State      Smeal@Penn State      Broad@Michigan State       DuPree@Goergia Tech

(3) Thunderbird       Babson       Wisconsin-Madison
--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2004-3-18 9:51:00

偶在家里综合business week排名(16年的纵向对比),今天忘记带了,下次带来给大家。偶的方法是将每一个上榜的学校的16年的排名(2年一次,共8次)加起来除以8。如果有的学校只上榜4次,就加起来除以4。

印象好像是kellogg第一(Business Week 很青睐Kellogg的),wharton第二,Michigan第三,Harvard第四,Chicago第五,Stanford第六。



--  作者:at3
--  发布时间:2004-3-18 15:55:00

--  作者:Shuzhen
--  发布时间:2004-3-19 10:06:00

澍镇排名法:综合business week排名(16年的纵向对比,2年一次,共8次),将每一个上榜的学校的16年来上过榜的排名加起来除以上过榜的次数。如果有的学校只上榜4次,就把四个排名加起来除以4。 (此排名法是版主澍镇辛勤回报Chasedream,转载请注明出处!)




排名           学校名                            8次排名平均分数
 1                    Kellogg                            1.625
 2                 Wharton                          2.375
3                    HBS                                 3.5
 4                    Chicago                          5.375
5                      Michigan                          5.5
6                      Stanford                          7
7                     Columbia                         8.125
8                       Tuck                                 9.25
9                       Fuqua                             9.75
10                     Darden                            10.125


11                      Sloan                              10.375
12                      Johnson                           11.875
13                      Anderson                         12.875
14                       CMU                                 13.5
15                       Kelly at Indianna                   14.75
16                    Kennan-Flagner               14.875
17                        Stern                                 15.125
18                          Hass                                  16.625
19                          UT-Austin                          18.5
20                          Yale                                    18.8


21                      Olin at WU-St. Louis             20
22                           Simon at Rochester             21.8
23                        Marshall                                 22
24                        Cox at Southern Methodist     23
24                             Wisconsin                               23 
26                             Owen at vanderbilt                  23.25    
27                              Purdue                                   23.75
28                           Smith at Maryland                  24.6
29                            Goizueta                                 25
29                              Thunderbird                            25


31                           Michigan State U.                    26
32                                 Georgetown                            28
33                                 Notre Dame                             29
34                                Georgia Tech                          30         




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