
JHU virtual review 大总结![2013-11-25]

[日期:2014-01-17] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:neigewang [字体: ]



  1. 你能给Carey带来什么?
  2. 从一个sport或者hobby上的discipline?
  3. What do you feel strongly aboutand describe?
  4. What do you do in your freetime?
  5. 在什么领域你认为需要提升自己的专业素养?
  6. Carey是不是你的最优选择?Whyor why not?
  7. If you are interviewing acandidate for this program, what kind of people are you looking for?
  8. When is the last time you workin a team? What role did you play?
  9. Describe what did you doyesterday.
  10. How will your friend describeyou?
  11. Describe yourself.
  12. Describe an ethnic dilemma.
  13. Do you prefer routine orfrequent changes in your work?
  14. What do you want to get fromyour first job after master graduation?
  15. What’s your ideal career?
  16. What professionalism means toyou?
  17. Describe your ability oflisten and response.
  18. Why Carey should admit you?
  19. Describe leadership.
  20. Describe one of your accomplishments.
  21. 用三个词形容自己。
  22. 是否做出过什么超出要求的事情。
  23. 自己在同类背景里的人的rank。
  24. 如果你有机会与一个历史名人见面,你希望是谁?为什么?
  25. What are your key skills?
  26. If you had unlimited time,what would you do?
  27. How is your communicationskill?
  28. How do you manage stress inyour daily work?




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