

[日期:2013-06-20] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:enkyklios [字体: ]

The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile.
A.    Columbus was the Incan highway, which over 2,500 miles long and extending
B.    Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended
C.    Columbus, the Incan highway, which was over 2,500 miles in length and extended
D.    Columbus, the Incan highway, being over 2,500 miles in length, was extended
E.     Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending

OA 是E,关于D和E,我觉得D的语法逻辑意思都ok。有人说being错误,它咋就错了,有什么根据?简单的以Being错误为原因排除D我觉得不可取,求大神赐教!

我认为目前为止所有的being分析都没有说到重点,它们一会说being什么情况下一定错误,一会又说没有什么绝对的定理。归根到底这是因为大牛们在总结规律的时候没有能发现在being 终级奥义---也就是being其实有两种语法作用,如果我们不把这两种分开来讨论,这个问题永远都讨论不清。



正如我说的要想真正了解being用法的秘密就必须先理解Be ,所以我们先看Be有那些用法。(如果童鞋对这个词的起源等不感兴趣可以忽略下边的英文)

In treating this important word, the history of the inflexions is first exhibited, and then that of the signification.

[The primary sense appears to have been that of branch II below, ‘to occupy a place’ (i.e. to sit, stand, lie, etc.) in some specified place; thence the more abstract branch I was derived by abstracting the notion of particular place, so as to emphasize that of actual existence, ‘to be somewhere, no matter where, to be in the universe, or realm of fact, to have a place among existing things, to exist.’ Branch III was derived from II by weakening the idea of actual presence, into the merely intellectual conception of ‘having a place’ in a class of notions, or ‘being identical with’ another notion: ‘centaurs are imaginary creatures’ = ‘centaurs have their place in the class of creatures of the imagination.’ Branch IV is an obvious extension of III: cf. ‘it was annoying to me,’ with ‘it was annoying me.’]


  1. With adjective, substantive, or adjective phrase; acting as simple copula: stating of what sort or what a thing is.其实就是作为系动词的用法
    例;The lamp is on the table.   They are on holiday in the Lake District. 
  2. With participles and infinitives, serving as an auxiliary and forming periphrastic tenses.其实就是作为辅助动词的用法
    例;He was killed in the war.   Where were they made?




注意;只有在作形容词用的时候区别来了,也就是说我们绝不要把系动词来源的 being(第一种用法)作定语用。就像楼主这道题一样。


  1. It is part of Passive-voice construction(note that such constructions require a form of “to be”),so,if the paasive voice is in the -ing form,that form will manifest as "being".
    这其实being 助动词来源时的用法的一小部分罢了,,因为它名词性,形容词性,副词性,独立主格都可以做,所以这种用法没有问题
  2. It is used as a Gerund(i.e.,the action of “being something”is treated as a Noun in the sentence),most ,but not all of these gerunds will be the gerund of a construction in the passive voice.
    这一条总结的也没有错,因为我说了这两种用法的区别在于形容词性的时候(作定语的时候)Gerund 是用于主语,宾语等名词。所以跟我说的不矛盾。

搞得像个论文一样,总结起来就是一句话当且仅当being ……作定语使用的时候我们小心的区分一下be的来源就一切OK了


A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer's Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written by a Black American—the others being Richard Wright's Native Son and Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.(08prep)


小弟凭着自己这套见解分析gmat中beingt选项向来是得心应该手,无不如意。但我们的目的不是仅仅为了考试,我们还要知其然,知其所以然。我们凭什么这样总结,有没有语法学上的依据呢? 把这个有趣的问题留给大家,





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