
6.23 广州 MBA 1000过

[日期:2005-06-25] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:eutopia [字体: ]

被WAITLIST折腾到这个时候才去签证, 好在签证过程很顺利.

VO是那个长的象马来人(听说是美籍越南人)的, 听说是杀手, 不过他的态度是很硬, 语速快, 不耐烦的感觉(其实是他在考验你的心理素质).

VO: what do you want to do in U.S.

Me: I want to go to xxx University to pursue my MBA degree

V: How many years have you been working..

M: 6 years

V: What\'s your current company? What do you do in the company

M: ....

V: Why you want to study MBA at this time?

M: My previous w/e is focused on project management, I want to get a senior level management position by getting a MBA degree...

V: You have been to U.S. in 2003, what did you do?

M: business trip.....

V: Can I see your financial statement

M (I gave him the checklist of my financial sourece but he actually wanted to see the bank certificates):

V(looking at my spread sheet and frowning ): this doesn\'t tell me anything

M: sorry, here are the bank certificates of me and my parents

V: what does your father do?( because my father has a much higher bank savings than my mom)

M: ....

V(looking at my I-20): Why your I-20 says that you are going to a medical school of xxx university?

M: No, the full name of the school is xxxx university and medical school

V( this time trying to an ass hole): What if I told you that I was graduated there and this was not the truth?

M(thought he was really graduated from my school and pleasantly surprised): really???

V(emphasizing his hypothesis) WHAT IF I TOLD YOU .....

M (Firmly): oh no, I am pretty sure that the school will not make mistakes like this...

V(actually satisfactorily scan my DS bar code and nodding) ok, please get your VISA tomorrow afternoon 3 o\'clock.

M: thank you

本来以为我最大的困难是证明第二年的资金(计划是出示我姐姐的公司证明和存款证明), 结果他只看了我I-20上第一年的数字和我第一年的资金证明; 归国计划没问, 倒问了WHY MBA NOW? 最后一个问题很有意思, 我唯一能猜到他的用意是看你是否心理素质成熟, 面对无哩头的CHALLENGE是否表现自信和坚决. 这是整个过程中唯一出乎我意料的地方.

整个过程大概5分钟, 同天从深圳去的另一个曾被这个黑YYGG锯的朋友2000也顺利在大胡子手下过关.

感谢JULIET和AFROK给我做的MOCK, 感谢已经在美国的IVAN的CHECK LIST, 感谢深圳的一帮热心的朋友, 祝还没签证的XDJM们顺利过关. 自信, 镇定, 坚决, 对任何问题不要忧郁, 就没问题.



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