
“我的签证奇遇记”- 6月21日东京2000过

[日期:2005-06-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:jjbaobao [字体: ]



背景介绍:从去年9月份决定去美国念书到签证通过一共9个月。GMAT和TOEFL都只考了一次,不是什么牛分,但因为没有时间再考所以就将就着用了。学校申请共两所。Top50非牛校一所,3/4奖。榜上无名一年MBA,1/2奖。大学文科,500强外企1年。日本留学两年。日本公司中国投资项目2年。Female, single, 20 sth。





VO: What are you going to do in the US?
Me: I am going to study MBA in the*** University.

(Checking my passport, found that I have been to many countries)
VO: Oh, u have been to many countries, Have you ever been rejected visa by any countries?
Me: No, never.

VO: How long have you been in Japan?
Me: 4 years.

VO: Are you a student?
Me: No. At first, I studied *** in *** University. And then I was employed as an *** by current company 2 years ago.

VO: What is your company’s business?
Me: My company is a house appliance manufacturer. We are experienced at designing and producing ***. Our *** technique is on the top of relative field.

VO: Why do you pick this school?
Me:  I have some friends graduated from ***, they all think *** is a unique program and most of them are doing great with their career. When I did more research in ***’s website, I found that his international business and entrepreneurship concentration are ranking Top ** and Top ** in the nation, which these two programs both are my interesting fields. Besides, the *** school give me ***US$ scholarship which cover 75% tuition fee of first year, and it is renewable.

VO: What is your plan after graduation?
Me: Because my current company will employ me as a senior manager in China branch. I will return to China to take this offer. I consider it as a big career opportunity for me. I think my work experience in China and Japan combine with an American MBA degree will make me more qualified with this position. This is the support letter from my president. DO you want to take a look on it?

VO: Sure. (read the letter) Is this the official letter from your company?
Me: Yes.

VO: Can you wait a moment?
Me: Sure.

(VO left the window and seemed like she thought my case was quite a particular so she wanted to talk with her boss. After 2-3 minutes, she came back. Until then, Istill thought I could got my visa.)
VO: Do you live by yourself?
Me: Yes.

VO: Do you have any family in Japan?
Me: Yes, My ***’s family live in Tokyo. They stay in Japan for almost 20 years and now they are Japanese Citizens.

VO: Do you parents live in Japan?
Me: No. They are in China.

(VO thought about something for a while)
VO: Sorry. We can not issue you a visa. Since you don’t have strong ties with Japan.
Me: Why? I already have been in Japan for more than 4 years. I study here, work here and get the salary from Japanese company here. Now Japan is the country I have many ties with,,,,,,,,

VO: Sorry. But you are not the permanent resident of Japan.
Me: You mean I had better come back China to reapply?

VO: I cannot say.
Me: Can you give me any suggestion which I should improve for reapplication?

VO: I am not sure. Maybe you just can stay in Japan for 1 more years to prove your stronger ties with Japan.
Me: But My school will start from August, and I don’t want to lose this chance because it is usually difficult for an MBA student to got the scholarship. I cannot give up this offer,,,,,,,

VO: yes, I understand your situation. Your case is quite strong and kind of particular. But I am sorry that I can not help you.
Me: According to the states’ immigration law, if I can prove that I have stronger ties with other countries more than with US, it doesn’t matter I have strong ties with Japan or not. Because I don’t intent to stay in the US after I graduate. I will return to China.

VO: Yes, but I can’t help you. ( She turned to the last page of my passport and stamp the refusal seal in it. Then pushed the documentation out of window)
Me: (I knew I could not change it any more) Ok, thank you anyway. Have a good day.

VO: You, too. Bye bye!



令我想不到的事情发生了!一个在日本工商协会的晚餐会上认识的在中国大使馆工作的朋友打来了电话,邀请我去参加一个使馆组织的活动。顺便问了我的近况。得知我被美国使馆据签后,这位朋友说他们正好过两天有和美国大使馆的午餐会,可以帮我打听打听。我顿然发现为什么没想到还有这条关系呢!但是,明知签证可不是什么小事情,被拒签了不可能会有改变决定的可能。不过,就死马当活马医医吧!第二天,正在上班,接到朋友的电话,说约了美国大使馆的人员吃晚饭,让我一块过去。没想到朋友的速度这么神速!!!立马答应下来。晚上见了面,和这位使馆人员把情况一说,他皱了眉头说,if you come to ask my help before you go to apply ur visa, I can guarantee ur visa almost 100%, but now since you have been denied once, the situation is totally different, but I cannot say u have no chance.

他让我第二天将我的申请资料fax给他,他可以去talk down to the boss of visa division. 第二天,我将资料传真给了他,然后忐忑不安的等他的电话。终于他的电话来了,告诉我,Sorry, but you will be very difficult to get the visa in Japan as you are a Chinese. But since ur case is quite special, you may have much better chance than before after I talked with my friend in the visa division. Can you ask your company to give you any additional support materials? If you have, it will be much helpful. 我明白了他的意思,开始了积极行动。我开始和我的社长谈判,说服了公司给我出了另外一份petition letter, 并要求公司现在就给我2年后的offer letter. 当然我如果不回去,是要被罚上一笔大数目的赔偿的。但是,现不管钱的问题了。花了一个礼拜,搞全了这些资料,在网上约到了6月21号,于是给美国使馆人员打电话。他让我把新补充的材料给他发过去,说要帮我写一封reference. 我没想自己会怎么的幸运!他说他尽量帮我,but I need to try my luck.

(3) 重拳出击,柳暗花明

6月21日,又是一个晴天。 约了早上9点,但被朋友要求8‘30分到。到了大使馆门口,才有40人左右的队伍。给朋友打电话。他说我下去接你。享受到不用排队的待遇,直接被带进面试大厅。然后他说:what I can do for u is only this, I must leave here now. Good luck! 他把我的资料拿走,剩下我一个人坐在那边等。窗口就开了两个,两个VO十分悠闲的说说笑笑,到没见被拒的。过了9点半,人渐渐多起来,窗口也渐渐开起来。此时心情很复杂,不知道是自信还是恐惧,只觉得自己做的事情很不可思议。然后劝自己别想太多,静下心来好好理理自己的头绪。10点左右,被叫到名字,去按手印。然后又回原为等。期间,中国人几乎全军覆没,只过了一个在日17年,太太是日本人,到美国出差的男人。不禁紧张起来,真的是情况太不妙了!不管了,在怎么样也要死拼一下!终于,11点过,10号窗,有个中年VO出现,听见我的名字被叫。天!又是十号窗!尽量让自己别慌,走上前去。

Me: (Tried to smile naturally) Nice to meet u, sir. This is my business card.
VO: (took a look on my card, put it away, began to look at computer) What is your plan after you graduate?

Me: I will return to *** TOKYO headquarter office and to be assigned to *** China Branch as a senior manager.
VO: Who is going to pay your study?

Me: Myself (forgot to tell him I have scholarship)
VO; How much is your salary? ( turned to look at me)

Me: you mean annually?
VO: yes

Me: *** + bonuses
VO: Do you live by yourself?

Me: yes. I live in an apartment in *** area.
VO: oh, nice place. How much does it cost?

Me: *** per month.
(VO stopped talking and checked sth in the computer)

Me: if you doubt about my financial status, would you like to check my bank accounts?
VO: no need. Ithink I will issue you a visa. ( gave me a instruction), visa will be mailed to you in a week.

Me: Thank you, sir.



P.S: 无偿赠送一张剩5。6分钟的中信卡(所剩时间不是很确定),有需要的签友请在这里跟贴。



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