

[日期:2005-06-12] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Zengyanu [字体: ]

--  作者:Zengyanu

--  发布时间:2005-6-5 16:21:00

--  [求助]全自费被拒(续)


What will you study in the United States?

Applied financial mathematics. A quantitative field of financial management. A very promising major in China.

How long will you study in USA?

I will study in USA for almost 2 years. So I will not leave China for a long time.

Have you any scholarship?

No. But my parents will support my study. They want me to receive the best education.

What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

I have drawn a sketch of my plan, would you like to see?

At the first step, after I graduate, I will work in the Chinese branches of international investment banks or commercial banks to do financial analysis; And I will get my PhD. degree of finance from FuDan university. In this way, I will deeply analyze the financial environment of China and combine my knowledge tightly with practical work. I plan to achieve this goal before the age of thirty.

At the second step, I want to become the senior manager of my company as well as creating some practical methods and theories of financial analysis suitable for China. So I will establish my reputation in this field. I plan to achieve this goal before the age of 35.

At the third step, I want to become the CFO of my company, attend many international conferences, such as Global Fortune Forum. Also, I will write some books about financial analysis, become a visiting professor of universities and become the advisor of the Chinese government. I plan to achieve this goal before the age of 45.

Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

I base my career development in China. It is the best place. And, I will get a satisfied job to live a comfortable life. The most important is I can enjoy the happiness of staying with my family, my parents, my relatives, etc.

Why do you like your major?

I like to do quantitative analysis. And this major is very promsing in China. Studying it is a foundation to realize my career plan.

Why do you want to study in USA?

I can receive the best education of financial mathematics. This is a significant foundation to realize my career plan.

另外,还想请教一下各位GGJJ, 像我这种全自费被拒过一次的情况,在还应该准备一些什么问题,在二签时应该注意些什么?先在这里谢过了.




--  作者:gmatplayer

--  发布时间:2005-6-5 19:36:00







--  作者:leobear

--  发布时间:2005-6-5 22:36:00






--  发布时间:2005-6-6 3:35:00


以下是引用Zengyanu在2005-6-5 16:21:00的发言:


What will you study in the United States?

Applied financial mathematics. A quantitative field of financial management. A very promising major in China.

How long will you study in USA?

I will study in USA for almost 2 years. So I will not leave China for a long time.

Have you any scholarship?

No. But my parents will support my study. They want me to receive the best education.

What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

I have drawn a sketch of my plan, would you like to see?

At the first step, after I graduate, I will work in the Chinese branches of international investment banks or commercial banks to do financial analysis; And I will get my PhD. degree of finance from FuDan university. In this way, I will deeply analyze the financial environment of China and combine my knowledge tightly with practical work. I plan to achieve this goal before the age of thirty.

At the second step, I want to become the senior manager of my company as well as creating some practical methods and theories of financial analysis suitable for China. So I will establish my reputation in this field. I plan to achieve this goal before the age of 35.

At the third step, I want to become the CFO of my company, attend many international conferences, such as Global Fortune Forum. Also, I will write some books about financial analysis, become a visiting professor of universities and become the advisor of the Chinese government. I plan to achieve this goal before the age of 45.

Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

I base my career development in China. It is the best place. And, I will get a satisfied job to live a comfortable life. The most important is I can enjoy the happiness of staying with my family, my parents, my relatives, etc.

Why do you like your major?

I like to do quantitative analysis. And this major is very promsing in China. Studying it is a foundation to realize my career plan.

Why do you want to study in USA?

I can receive the best education of financial mathematics. This is a significant foundation to realize my career plan.

另外,还想请教一下各位GGJJ, 像我这种全自费被拒过一次的情况,在还应该准备一些什么问题,在二签时应该注意些什么?先在这里谢过了.



What will you study in the United States?

我觉得标准回答或我认为合理的简单回答就是Applied financial mathematics. 最多回答到 A quantitative field of financial management 就要结束了。如果签证官有疑问他会问 Why do you want to study applied financial mathematics? 而到了这时候你再回答后面的。



Why do you want to study in USA?

我当时准备的答案就是最直接的(感谢给一个很成功的大哥给我的意见:你怎么回答问题老绕圈子,这会让人反感,要直接。也感谢我的女朋友,她的意见:太罗嗦了,简单点。)because XXX university gives me an admission and a scholarship. 如果你没有奖学金,你就直接说 XXX university gives me an admission. 这就够了。这样下面的问题就有可能是:你还申请了哪些学校,哪些学校录取了你等等。这样你就可以回答:某某些学校录取了我。准备1、2个加拿大和英国的好学校的名字,说这些学校把你据了。这样你到美国就顺其自然了。

How long will you study in USA?

I will study in USA for almost 2 years. So I will not leave China for a long time. 后面的话简直就是白银300两。签证官见到银子自然会起了杀心。


Have you any scholarship?

No. But my parents will support my study. They want me to receive the best education. 最后面的话多余,改为,Would you like to see the bank statement? 记住,这时候,有些问题你无法回避,还不如主动些。把钱的来源想清楚,单据整理好,打个存款的历史和数目的表格,清晰明了,让签证官省点事。

What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

I have drawn a sketch of my plan, would you like to see? 千万不要把归国计划纸面化然后交给签证官,我个人以为这是大忌。归国计划是一切的核心,是你的目的也是你的结果,所以你应该能很清晰准确自然自信的表述它。归国计划就是你的名字。别人问你的名字,你回答:我把它写在纸上了,你想看吗?

After graduation, I will  come back to China to find a job in a financial institution/company/a bank. I hope, before 35, I can become a senior manager of the company.

到这里就可以了,表达太多的梦想,难免会被贴上幼稚的标签。如果让签证官觉得你太幼稚了,我想他连你想成为一个senior manager都可能否定掉。

我觉得签证官据人也挺矛盾的,那么多人去了不回来,如果真的追究原因,那么每个签证官都该被炒了,可是他们还是要让人过去。我个人以为,所谓的strong tie 并不存在,个人以为签证官据人就三条理由:不可信、很浪费、无能力。这三者是相互作用的。(1)不可信就是签证官怀疑你的诚信,也就是说你的回答本身具有一些不合理的地方,有漏洞。这点最重要,而且必须在签证前解决掉,否则二签都难了(2)很浪费,就是要花很多钱去学习,而签证官认为这不值,而且除非你在美国工作,否则很难收回成本。这主要是针对那些刚毕业的人而言,去好学校,花父母的钱。很浪费这一点向左偏,会发展为不可信,向右偏,会成为无能力。这一点归根到底是价值认定问题,其实只要向签证官证明了这个学校值,这个问题就可解决。(3)无能力,你没有展示出你的能力,却过分夸大了归国后的美好。这样就意味着当你认清现实后,你可能就不回来了。(中间省略一部分,以后补上)。





--  作者:maomaoyong

--  发布时间:2005-6-6 10:24:00




--  作者:goldenbean

--  发布时间:2005-6-8 11:00:00


顶一下,赞DREAMWORD GG 入木三分,惊醒了好多梦中人那~ 



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