
Some Thoughts

[日期:2005-05-05] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:joe11 [字体: ]

[GMAT 96%]

Recently done with G. Some thoughts to entertain a few beautiful minds.


            Make minimum errors on SC and CR. Leave room and time for RC.

            Do SC and CR quickly and precisely, saving time for RC.

Start with SC
SC is the foundation.

Stage 1.

Do 20 SC questions in the GMAT Official Guide continuously within 30 minutes.

Take a brief break.

Read the answers of those 20 questions. Make sure you clearly understand the explanations. Especially pay attention to All the mistakes in Every choice. This is the foundation of your Verbal section.

Repeat steps above till you finished SC questions in Official Guide.

Stage 2:

You are currently armed with OG knowledge. Now it’s time to put them in use. Two ways.

(1)   Log on to CD and join the discussion forums. Try to answer others’ questions.

(2)   Do sections in the renown “SC 大全”.

Move on to CR
Your SC skills will be proved very helpful for your CR. If you do not understand the premises of CR, do not attempt to pick answers. Your weapon to crash it: process of Elimination.

Stage 1:

Do 20 CR questions in the GMAT Official Guide continuously within 30 minutes.

Take a brief break.

Read the answers of those 20 questions.

Make sure you clearly understand the explanations. Try to digest and comprehend the meaning of “Out of Scope”. Anything has no contribution to the Conclusion of the premise is “out of scope”.

Stage 2:

Do “FeiFei Logic 135 questions” by following its own guidelines. You won’t be able to use much of the process of elimination. But it tests your skills regarding the precision of logic reasoning. Do not get depressed if you see your error rate increased rather than decreased. Understand your mistakes and learn from them.

Stage 3:

Do a few, not all, sections of “LSAT Logic”. These questions are similar as you saw in FeiFei Logic. Again, try to comprehend the reasoning lines in each question.

By following steps above, you will enforce your reading skills. While you are doing CR intensively daily, don’t forget to do 30 SC questions per day to keep your skills sharp.

The last castle: RC
Here comes your final war with GMAT. You declared the war, now you have to finish it.

            A few words may help you along your way.

            1) Read the first sentence of every paragraph slowly.

If you don’t understand it, read it again. If the sentence is too long, use your 

skills in SC to chop the long sentence into two short ones and comprehend each of them.

            2) Actively guess the structure of the paragraph once you read the first sentence.

This is so called Active Reading. Anticipate the content of the passage by

predicting its structure.

            3) Read the last sentence of each paragraph slowly.

It could be the summary of the paragraph. It could also be the leading clues for the next paragraph.

            4) Read examples and illustrations quickly.

                 Those are insignificant, but may have one questions regarding details.

            5) Read sentences containing “however, nevertheless, but, therefore” etc. slowly.

                 The main idea will be presented in these sentences.

            How to solve questions:

              Process of Elimination! 

              Pay attention to the nouns in the choices. If they are not mentioned, the choice is

              out of scope. Get ride of it and move on. If they are mentioned, make sure you

              do not infer too much so as to pick a wrong answer.

              If you need to refer back to the passage, two steps to get it right:

1)      always first determine where the content could be, which paragraph.

2)      Read from the beginning of that paragraph to determine the details.

Don’t try to read from the middle of the paragraph. If you don’t find it, you will have to go back to the beginning of the paragraph.

             If you are not sure where to look for the answer, read the first and last sentence of each paragraph.

Put it all together
Do GWDs (also referred as GiGi-13+1, TianShan 10 sets although TianShan has only 6 question sets). Here is how:

Step 1. Timely finish a full test. Pace yourself!

Step 2. Compare your answers. Some answers came with the questions are wrong.

             You will need to read posts on ChaseDream.com to comprehend the right Choices.

Step 3. Understand All errors committed in Every choice.

             This is the most critical step, do Not skip this step.

Step 4.  Do another test till you get close to your goal.

You are ready, let’s go hunting!



     It\'s a matter of how to accumulate business cases shortly. Reading and refining models is a good start. In my impression, the models you see here work best in the start and end paragraph. One still has to show his true writing skills in the middle paragraphs. To improve your writing skills quickly, keep working on a few selected topics rather than go through all essays. For instance,

    1) write an essay in 30 minutes using a draft model

         Don\'t go over 30 minutes. Now you know where your starting position is. ie. how good you are at writing. Assess yourself.

    2) take a break, let your mind wonder.

    3) Re-work on your essay, no time limit. work on how to make it better. You maybe forgot to use your model sentences. How to say it in a better way? Are there any words precisely convey your meaning? Use Thesaurus!

    4) put your work away and come back the next day. Repeat step 3 till you are satisfied.

    5) Move on to a new essay and start from step 1).

Credits and Wishes:

  My appreciation goes to those who discussed questions to enrich myself. They are, but not limited to,  JerryGuan, Lanyu, Lawyer_1, LES, Leeon, Lilyzy, Rhod, Stornren, Tulipmontreal, and Valarie. Thank you all for encouraging me to bring out my potential.

  To those who work dilligently towards their goals, you are truely great!



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