
JHU R2 面经汇总 [2018.01.09]

[日期:2018-02-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Tiffanyli777 [字体: ]


  1. 一个group member遇到了challenge,怎么办?结果怎样。
  2. Accomplishment outside workplace and classroom.
  3. 举一个生活和学习中被打扰的例子,说你怎么做的和结果。
  4. An example that you take initiative to learn a new culture.
  5. How to put you envisions into community outside the Carey?
  6. A disruption or stressful events to your work?
  7. Give me an example of an accomplishment you are proud of.
  8. Comparing other candidates with a similar background, how do you rate yourself?(楼主一时紧张大脑空白,就特别不要face的说了top student,就我那可怜的G可以直接呵呵了)。
  9. How to define success in team project?
  10. 讨论一个你analyze过的问题和结果。
  11. 貌似是那道写过的documents,但是因为题主卡了,又换了一道题。
  12. 是说一件事,你帮助了别人和结果。
  13. The plan of finding employment after graduation.
  14. Find a new solution to a problem in the work.
  15. Tell me an example of how you analysed data to form decision making.
  16. Tell me a problem you met at work.
  17. Tell us about a time when you questioned a practice or procedure in your job or work area.
  18. What experience in your life has had the most significant impact on your outlook? Why?
  19. 写作是校友提供实习机会,写信。
  20. Tell me something you planed to do that you did not work out.
  21. What is the importance of the leadership in the organization?
  22. Distractions at work, how to deal with it and what's the outcome?
  23. How do you plan to get involved outside the classroom at JHU?
  24. One of your members struggling for a challenge. What's your respond and what's the outcome?
  25. 第二个是work or academic experience 中感到fully motivated,what did you do and what is the outcome。
  26. At work you notice an issue need immediate attention。 大意好像是遇到的一个需要立即解决的问题。
  27. At work the stressful experience.
  28. 如果你的一个组员正在struggleing with some challanges,你是如何做的,结果是什么。
  29. 谈一谈 a time that you asked for help。
  30. The plan of finding employment after graduation.
  31. Find a new solution to a problem in the work.
  32. Something went wrong in your teamwork.
  33. Do poor in last semester's exams,what will you do next semester之类的。
  34. Describe a new situation where no guidelines are available and what the outcomes are.
  35. Describe an experience how you manage your feelings of anxiety.
  36. Make improvement或者解决current problem的经历 and what was the result?
  37. How did you deal with your stress? what was the result?
  38. Provide an example of a time when you required assistance from a team member to complete a project or activity.
  39. Provide an example of a time when you make an improvement of a project, what did you do and what’s the outcome?
  40. 问有没有什么recommendation或者decision你是在without guidance时候做的,你说怎么做的?结果怎么样?
  41. 问如果你发现你从选的课中没有学到你本来想学的skill你会怎么办?
  42. 说一个major change happened in your work or school,how to deal with it and what's the outcome?
  43. 说一个most stressful experience you had at work。
  44. 说一个在研究生阶段你最想要学到的金融知识。
  45. Give an example of your limitation led to underperformance.What did you do and what was the outcome.
  46. 举个例子有人upset你,你要怎么interact with him 然后 the outcome of interaction。
  47. Tell us about a time when you face a challenge at work.
  48. In addition to work and study, what activity that you devote most of your time and why?




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