
Coumbia, Wharton, Kellogg MBA Interview sharing

[日期:2010-11-19] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:yidiyuehan [字体: ]


1. Wharton MBA Alumni Interview (2010-11-18)

Similar interview experience with an alumni @ Singapore.

Typical behavioral questions without WHY MBA, why Wharton, why now questions any more:

  1. Tell me a time when you faced a conflicts with your team member.
  2. Tell me a time when you are not the leader.
  3. Tell me a time when you convinced others.
  4. Tell me a time when you took the initiatives.

According to the very nice alumni, standard interval is 30 mins, in the end we had 40 mins + including Q&A.

2. Columbia MBA Alumni Interview. (2010-11-18)

今天下午和一个Alumni面试的,也没讲时间,唯一一个聊天式的面试,大概持续1个半到两个小时。校友是2000毕业的,现在在亚洲做HF。很NICE 的人。


  1. Very famous: ethical dilemma question.
  2. Why MBA.
  3. Other schools you have applied.
  4. Leadership example
  5. Teamwork example.
  6. Tell me a time you took an initiative.
  7. Tell me what you normally do in spare time.
  8. Is that anything you concerned in your application package and wanted to add on sth for the ADCOM?

其他的暂时记不得了,不过天南海北的聊了很多,尤其是美国和亚洲的食物(我分享讲我喜欢做饭....)。个人感觉聊天而论很不错, 不过面试来说一般,自己可能太兴奋了, 讲话比较快。面试时间也大大超出自己预算,结果讲了很多自己没准备的, 英文可能不够专业……

3. Kellogg MBA Alumni Interview



  1. Why MBA
  2. WHY Kellogg
  3. Why now
  4. What courses are you interested in Kellogg?
  5. What role exactly you were responsible? (我做了很多不同种类的职责)?
  6. Give me an example of marketing role............(自己讲到的marketing, 这里被追问了很多细节。。。不小心撞到了枪口上,alumni 本身就是做marketing的,又是Kellogg 面试)
  7. Which part of the job you loved most? Why and give me an example.
  8. What activities you intend to join at Kellogg.
  9. Any unique / different activity you plan to try at kellogg?

总体感觉Kellogg的有点aggressive,Wharton 感觉良好,Columbia有点聊的过火了.......




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