
MIT Sloan interview notice - just got few minutes ago

[日期:2005-03-02] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:winder [字体: ]

--  作者:winder
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 5:47:00

--  MIT Sloan interview notice - just got few minutes ago

Dear MIT Sloan MBA Applicant:

 We have now had the opportunity to review your application to the MIT Sloan MBA Program and would

like to interview you in person in one of the following locations:


We would appreciate hearing from you about your availability at the earliest opportunity.  Our

decision will be communicated to you online through your ApplyYourself account by 5:00 p.m. EST,

Monday, April 5, 2004.

 Please call 617-258-5434 between 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EST (1400-2000 GMT) to schedule your 30-to-45

-minute interview.  We will indicate the times available for your interview with Julie Strong,

Associate Director of MBA Admissions. 

 If you are not available during the above dates or wish to interview in another location, please

send an email to Jennifer Burke (jburke@mit.edu) so she can arrange an alternative date and/or

location.  As a reminder, please provide an official copy of your transcript to your interviewer

(certified or notarized copies will be accepted but subject to verification before matriculation).

 **When you arrive for your interview, please check in with the hotel concierge where you will be

told where you can find Ms. Strong.  Before leaving for your interview, please check your email for

urgent messages from the MIT Sloan School, such as delays or cancellation due to weather or

emergencies.  Attire is business.

 We look forward to hearing from you about your availability. 

 Rod Garcia

Director of MBA Admissions

 P.S.  If you have a friend or colleague who is also applying to the MIT Sloan School but has not

been invited, please let him/her know that we are still evaluating applications and will invite

candidates to interview through April 5, 2004.  Our interview preparation guide is available on the

website http://mitsloan.mit.edu/mba/admissions/MITSloan_interview_guide.pdf.

--  作者:winder
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 5:49:00

interesting the way they arrange the interview.
--  作者:thinkpador
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 9:00:00

Cong!  Good Luck!
--  作者:terp
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 9:02:00

Congratulation for another milestone and good luck!
Let us know how it turns out. What is your background?
--  作者:diudiu
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 10:01:00

Congrats and good luck!
--  作者:BetterMan
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 10:25:00

--  作者:winder
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 10:40:00

是。根据Bubisnessweek forum, 似乎南加州地区的interview notice都是今天出的. MIT是根据地区来发interview

Let me finish the interview first, then I will let u guys know the result.
--  作者:dreambox
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 15:01:00

good luck!
--  作者:runner1996
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 18:09:00

Are you a Chinese native or are you in 南加州?
--  作者:SmileFM
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 23:18:00

I got interview invitation today. Just confirmed with adcom.
From BW forum, I know that one guy from shanghai also got it.
Anyone else here?
--  作者:dream750
--  发布时间:2004-2-26 23:53:00

--  Why I cannot open the interview preparation guide online?
Why I cannot open the interview preparation guide online? Could you tell me which software I should

use to see this file? 
--  作者:fjapl
--  发布时间:2004-2-27 1:23:00

winder,  i got your message but my reply failed since it was over the word limit allowed.  so i am

posting the same message below.  hope it is helpful for you guys.  best of luck!
congrats to the interview invite!  I hope you end up in sloan so that we can be classmates!  Here is

what I think of the interview - it is tough to get a mit sloan interview (small class size and all)

so since you did get it I am sure you are well accomplished in life and did well in the application

package, so I wouldn’t worry much about the interview process.  From my experience, the interview was

very laid back and short, the interviewer was extremely nice (sorry I can’t disclose the name of the

interviewer), so the interview process was painless and rather enjoyable.  my tip about the interview

is “be yourself”, show your real characteristics and goals.  show who you really are.  That’s what I

did and seems worked. 
As far as the specific questions, honestly i don\'t remember the exact questions word by word and

even if I did I am not sure if I am at the position to disclose them.  but here is what I remember

that might be useful– all questions were behavior questions asking your past experiences, and the

impression that I got was that they want to see who you are, how you do things, how you deal with

people, etc, via your past experiences.  So, to help prepare for the interview, definitely know your

resume and application package really well.  Prepare at least one example for each key point about

yourself (e.g. prepare one example for leadership skills, one example for hard working... you got the

idea).  As long as you come prepared with examples and can present them well in the interview, I

think you are all set. 
By the way, do you mind me asking your background and where you are located at?  I hope it works out

for you and we will be classmates.  Please keep in touch. 

--  作者:winder
--  发布时间:2004-2-27 2:01:00

thanks for the advises. fjapl mm.
It\'s good to hear the interview from sloan is painless. Frankly say, I don\'t feel I am a good

performer in interview. But the good news is, I am recovering from the cough which lasted 2 months

back from last December. It was so annoying and made my interview with Kellogg alumni a not very

pleasant experience.
About my background, 28, gmat <740, W/E 4 (1.5 IT, 2.5 project management), so so GPA from under and

masters). I\'m in San Diego
--  作者:fjapl
--  发布时间:2004-2-27 2:42:00

winder, you are welcome.  really, don\'t worry about being a great interview performer or not...in my

opinion, it is not something that one can determine objectively.  although some fundmental

qualities/skills are necessary for a successful interview, it is in the eye of the particular

interviewer to determine if you (or your style) are a good fit for the school or not.  because each

school has different culture and would focus on (slightly) different qualities/personalities of the

candidates, a particular presentation style judged as good at one school could be judged differently

at another school.  that\'s why fit is extremely important...
an interesting fact that i have noticed, you and i registered at CD on the same day.  nice

--  作者:hodgechen
--  发布时间:2004-2-27 2:52:00

is this from round 2 or 3?

--  作者:winder
--  发布时间:2004-2-27 3:20:00

This is from round 2
--  作者:maer
--  发布时间:2004-2-27 22:41:00

congrats and feel happy for you guys.
Good luck, every one!
--  作者:liyijia
--  发布时间:2004-2-28 22:40:00


以下是引用SmileFM在2004-2-26 23:18:00的发言:
I got interview invitation today. Just confirmed with adcom.

From BW forum, I know that one guy from shanghai also got it.
Anyone else here?

Do you mean the interview for Chinese applicants have sent out? I applied in Round 2, but still not

got any message.
--  作者:shajpnusa
--  发布时间:2004-3-4 23:55:00

Hey I\'m in Shanghai and got an interview invite for next week. So far I only saw the three of us in

China getting an invite, but I\'m sure there are others... When are you doing your R2 interviews?
fjapl, where are you located?



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