

[日期:2005-02-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:luoyx [字体: ]

--  作者:luoyx
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 0:27:00

--  请问参加过北京Wharton面试的战友
--  作者:tsljz
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 8:18:00

请问你是用怎样的search criteria找到这个老外的?我还担心,大家都用北京search会不会查出同样的三个人,看来不是这样的。
--  作者:luoyx
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 8:35:00

I searched all alumni in Beijing without postcode. Do you mean you did not find a foreigner in your result of search? It seems a little weird because I used to believe all Beijing interviewer should get the same results. It\'s too trouble for Wharton to assign different alumni groups for each applicant.
By the way, good luck with your interview.
--  作者:tsljz
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 8:54:00

I did search for all interviewers in beijing. But doesn\'t each search give you only three interviewers? Do you mean you keep searching for beijing interviewers for five times and got all people? Thanks. Good luck to your application too.
--  作者:CCAML
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 9:31:00

--  作者:Jeremy
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 10:14:00


以下是引用tsljz在2004-2-17 8:54:00的发言:
Do you mean you keep searching for beijing interviewers for five times and got all people? Thanks. Good luck to your application too.


Yes, exactly. I found nine in Beijind and three in Shanghai. (Don\'t know why I could only search four times ... Xixi, then was not allow to conduct any more search.)


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-17 10:15:18编辑过]
--  作者:luoyx
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 10:33:00

Jeremy, did the alumni read all your packages or only resumes?
--  作者:Jeremy
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 11:05:00

I think it is Wharton\'s policy to let alumni have blind interview.
--  作者:tsljz
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 18:02:00

how about the interview with adcom? also blind interview?
--  作者:CCAML
--  发布时间:2004-2-17 18:27:00

--  作者:denggr
--  发布时间:2004-2-18 9:08:00

--  作者:CCAML
--  发布时间:2004-2-18 10:26:00


--  作者:tsljz
--  发布时间:2004-2-18 16:00:00

then how are you guys going to do? Alumni interview? Any thoughts of the disadvantages of alumni interview?
--  作者:CCAML
--  发布时间:2004-2-18 17:23:00

如果Alumni interview是唯一的选择,也就不用管什么disadvantages 了。有没有也只能是他了,想那么多也没用。
--  作者:zxrallen
--  发布时间:2004-2-19 10:56:00

盼望了多少天,绝望了多少天,离interview invitation deadline还差一天的时候终于盼来了Wharton的interview. 破碎的心重又有了一丝慰藉。
--  作者:jeff2003
--  发布时间:2004-2-19 11:41:00


以下是引用zxrallen在2004-2-19 10:56:00的发言:
盼望了多少天,绝望了多少天,离interview invitation deadline还差一天的时候终于盼来了Wharton的interview. 破碎的心重又有了一丝慰藉。




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