
Darden MBA Alumni interview@SH [2011-02-23]

[日期:2011-02-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:alizwell [字体: ]

论坛上很少看到Darden的面经,去了回来才发现,原来不是大家不愿意share,真的是没有太多可以share的东西。Anyway, just thought I'd put my experience out there for someone else seeking information on this subject.

真的是很不传统的面试,自始至终都没有出现"Why MBA", "Career Goal"这样的标准问题,也没有"behavioral question",甚至都没有"Why Darden",不过也有可能像论坛上的同学所说的,是在test你push idea的能力(one of the many important skills you need to have in a case study method learning environment)。整个面试的过程也很不寻常,完全就是friend to friend conversation, except the interviewer has already graduated from the school you're trying to get in, lol.

我的面试官提出要轮流提问,所以建议不要over prepare那些standardized answers,而是要熟悉自己的story,give a compelling impression that you are a good fit to the school, and you really want to go there.

关于good fit的问题,论坛上很多人都说过了,不外乎:

1、Do you fit with the Darden community: 是不是care about the community around you,还是只关心自己的成功。
2、Do you fit with the case study method:语言是否过关,能不能跟上case study的work load和discussion。是否collaborative,能不能work with others,是不是可以Effectively manage your time等等。
3、Do you fit with the lifestyle at Charlottesville:小城市,宁静,适合学习,最近的大城市就是DC了,2小时车程。


0. Interviewer stated that the interview is completely blind, so "no resume"! but can't blame a guy for being prepared, right?  He also stated that he will NOT be discussion my "career goals" or "why darden" with me during the interview, because he believes that should have been already assessed by the admission committee through my application package.

1. Tell me about your family (Darden really cares about who you are rather than what you have accomplished.)

2. What do you think of the Chinese auto industry (specific about my background) 

3. !@(*&#^$!@#

4. .... oh dear lord, I loathe my poor memory!  thought I could at least remember 3 of them>_< sorry guys.

Tip: 懂日文的同学可以看一下Darden的Japan Club的人写的东西,个人感觉还是很实用的。不懂日文么,反正都是汉字,实在不行就 google-translate^_^ http://www.darden.virginia.edu/web/MBA/Student-Life/Organizations/Japan/Japan-Club/



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