
Duke Fuqua MBA Alumni Interview [2011-01-10]

[日期:2011-01-11] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:thecow10000 [字体: ]

Local alumnus from NY area.  She was a 06 grad and working in corporate finance.

1. Walk me through your resume.
2. How did you get to your current position.
3. Long term short term goal.
4. One thing you like about current job.
5. One thing you dislike about current job.
6. What would your boss say about you (2 things)?

1.Why Duke Fuqua (wanted at least 3 reasons).
2. What will you contribute to Duke (extracurricular)?

1. Short term goal
2. Long term goal

1. Failed team example, what went wrong?
2. Successful team, how is it successful?
3. Your role in team...  (i.e. leader)
4. What if your team has all type-a personality?
5. How do you solve conflicts in a team?
6. Leadership style

1. Anything else to add?
2. Ask her questions.



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