
深圳(11/22) 广州(11/23) - HKUST深圳MBA公开课

[日期:2008-10-23] 来源:HKUST 作者:steven [字体: ]


All MBA are not created equal. While MBA graduates generally re-enter the business world with a better grasp and understanding of business administration, some graduates develop a better potential for career advancement than others. This is where the quality of the MBA program counts the most.

AT HKUST, we make sure that our MBA graduates develop a solid credential and obtain a better value of management education and training. We develop and administer a relevant curriculum, combining theory with practice. Our faculty embers are well-equipped with knowledge generated not only through their own prestigious education but also through their rich research and consulting experiences.

Welcome to the wonderful world of HKUST MBA!

We will speak to present the highlights of an MBA education at HKUST. The session will feature a demonstration of some pedagogical approaches adopted by faculty of the HKUST MBA program and to provide the attendees a feel of atypical MBA class at HKUST.



I am going to discuss with you the different leadership styles that leaders are practicing. We will analyze the factors that shape them. The correlation of personality with leadership, IQ &  EQ and its predictability for success will be covered. Last but not the least, hopefully, through this exercise, we will be able to find out some attributes of top leaders.

Prof. Steven J Dekrey
program Director &
Senior Associate Dean
Business School HKUST


The single most important factor that determines your success in business is not knowledge you have memorized but rather the quality of the decisions you make. Despite the importance of critical decision making, most people do not have clear understanding of how they actually make decisions. We think we are rational, yet non-rational processes and biases have much more influence on our decisions than we realize. In this talk we will explore the impact of these biases on our decision making so that through recognizing the biases and compensating compensating for them we can make improve our decision making and critical thinking abilities.

Prof. Stephen W. Nason
Adjunct Associate professor
Department of Management of Organizations,
Business School HKUST
  Shenzhen session Guangzhou session
Date Nov 22, 2008(Saturday) Nov 23, 2008(Sunday)
Time 10:00am-12:30pm 10:00am-12:30pm
Subject Leadership Dimensions Strategic Decision Making
Speaker: Prof. Steve J Dekrey Prof. Stephen W.Nason
Venue: Venice ballroom, 1/F, Crown Plaza
Magnolia room, 3/F, Garden Hotel Guangzhou
  9026 Shenzhen Road, Overseas
Chinese Town, Shenzhen,China
368 Huanshi Dong Lu, Guangzhou, China

Reserve a seat for the HKUST Shenzhen MBA Program Open Class
Seats are limited. Please visit the following link to register


Call us today if you have any question.
http://www.bm.ust.hk/szmba Tel: 0755-2673 7130/7302 E-mail:

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