
Experience sharing, INSEAD & HEC Paris admission. & IESE waiting [2019.11.21]

[日期:2019-11-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:PierreWU1990 [字体: ]

I used my work computer without Chinese language input. Sorry guys.

Results for Sept 2020:

  • HEC Paris with Excellence Scholarship; R3
  • INSEAD admitted; Scholarship result unknown; R1
  • IESE still waiting; R1


  1. Bachelor from a 985 school; Double master's degrees from France; Exchange in Germany
  2. 4 years' working experience; 1 in Shanghai and 3 in France
  3. Management trainee 1 year; Engineer (very technical direction) 3 years
  4. G 710 I8 AWA5; IELTS 7.5; French estimated C2
  5. The launcher of an international association in France; City manager of the association ( 60 participants from over 12 nationalities)

A link to check essay topics from your target school: http://www.mbaessaydb.com/?fl=EmailSignature

I wrote my INSEAD essays first. They took me around two months to finish. The most important thing is to stick to your stories and follow the 4 admission criteria. It is always a great idea to have alumni alongside with you. (I can give you his contact info.) Good students and excellent options for jobs. 申请前认识的朋友都很优秀。有一个小伙伴是 TV Tokyo 的制片人,一起在巴黎玩了两天狂要宠物小精灵手办。

HEC Paris' essays are not that much different from those of INSEAD. So, once you get ready for INSEAD, you will need less work on your HEC essays. But be aware that HEC is a very selective school and it deserves your special attention. Especially, if you want to work in France, HEC can land a job for you easily.

IESE is the most particular school I've ever visited. The campus is gorgeous and the faculties are just world-class without a doubt. I participated in one of their open days. The academic rugosity is at the highest level. Its students are especially humble but intelligent and articulated. High EQ as well.


  1. INSEAD alumni interviews: My interviewers are both French: young and senior. Both of them had an engineering background. I did my first interview in French and English and second in English. Be consistent with your application. Try to get to know your interviewer as it is the best way to judge your fit with the school. Don't worry about tension or disagreement. The important thing is to keep calm and give your reasoning in a clear way.
  2. INSEAD 面试问题紧扣 Essay 内容,主要是验证动机, 考察一些基本特质。 保持对话的流畅和维持好一个轻松的氛围是我觉得最为关键的地方。 面试前要思考好 Essay 内容可以和哪些问题联系起来, 也许面试官想问的点你准备了但面试官自己将问题问复杂了。我的第二个面试官非常不看好我现在的行业,所以她创业做的方向就是用来替代我的 sector 的。 我们探讨了一下各自的观点,但都没有尝试说服对方,整个 15 分钟我们保持了相互倾听的状态。 最后也可以聊一聊 Network,第一个面试官和我的好友是一个 Engineering 学校,第二位面试官和我有共同的老师及课程,也和我夫人是同一所学校毕业的。 这些 Connection 都是可以用来保持对话流畅的Topic.
  3. HEC interviews are almost similar to those of INSEAD. Be prepared with your presentation and get ready to be challenged.
  4. HEC 的 10 分钟 PPT 一定要好好准备,紧扣时间,简洁明确的思路。 面试官很可能不了解你展示的内容,所以要准备好快速回答问题。 其次, HEC 面试至少有一个面试官会比较 stressful 的感觉, 不用紧张这只是一个测试。
  5. IESE's interview was extremely professional on the interviewer's side. I found the interviewer really prepared to get an insight into my experience and my personality. 前人经验: https://forum.chasedream.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1354153
  6. IESE 我没有做 Assessment,因为已经跟学校联系很久并且上过公开课了。招生负责人非常Concise and brutally direct。在此还要感谢一下 Joe 向我展示了一下 IMD。Joe 的分享: https://forum.chasedream.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1353035&highlight=IMD

Thank you for those who shared their experiences with me. I will add more to this post.




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