

[日期:2017-04-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:JerrBear [字体: ]

2017年3月22日,HBS已经发出了第二轮的录取榜单。面试过去一个月了,我慢慢“搜刮”来了第二轮的面经。无论你还在准备第三轮的面试,还是打算今年秋天再申请,都可以先收藏起来以后用。本次分享包括On Campus和在上海的面试。


第二轮在上海面试的小伙伴都吃了一惊,因为一般来说选择上海面试,面试官都是著名Eileen,但这一回HBS偏偏不按常理出牌,项目的Director Chad亲自来上海面试,相信实现没有收到风声的小伙伴在上海看到Chad一定都惊呆了吧。那么Eileen在哪里面试呢?据说Eileen是来了上海的,但后来回到波士顿在On Campus面试了。所以,MBA面试要做好万全的准备,但是也要有不变应万变的能力。

总体来看,Chad的破冰问题都是从How are you开始的,所以不用应付一些奇奇怪怪的开始问题还是比较好的。交流的重心秉承着HBS一贯的风格,大多集中在工作经验,一个大问题下会有多个小的Follow-up问题。
另外一个问题就是Leadership的问题,很多面试官不会问很“直白”的领导力问题,但是Chad会问,比如你觉得你的什么品质让你取得了今天的成就,因此大家要准备好“如何夸自己”,既让人信服,又不会觉得自大。有一点令人吃惊,Chad几乎没有问学校的事情,这和其他的面试官风格比较不同。其他的问题,比如Career Goal,Why HBS,What do you do outside of work都还是比较常规的,大家按部就班就好了。

之前的面经帖子: 2016年HBS第一轮申请面经汇总


  • 问我怎么样?我说了一下我的行程。然后问是工作还是别的事?
  • How is your day today? 问了我今天怎么样,我说又紧张又兴奋。然后打哈哈就开始了。
  • Hows are things recently?
  • Warm-up: share of Interviewee reception
  • Weather in Boston.?Have you visited school before? How do you feel about the class visit yesterday?

Work Experience

  • Tell us about what you've been doing in X country.
  • Tell us about your working experience in China before you moved to X country.
  • What else do you want us to know about your working experience?
  • 问X公司和Y公司合并的事。


1. 合并大家的状况如何?
- 你觉得合并最大的挑战是什么?
3. 两边各有一个 GM?
4. 合并后还会继续做某个项目吗?

  • 生意不好是整个行业的事?消费者不喜欢产品吗?你们的竞争对手怎么样?
  • 那你们会怎么应对这个问题呢?
  • 怎么做到客户导向?
  • A品牌和B品牌,你更喜欢哪一个?
  • 在X公司做 brand manager 的职责是什么?
  • Integrated communication 是什么?是新品开发吗?
  • 你自己管理 agency 吗?
  • 你觉得做好一个 brand manager 最需要什么?
  • 你平时工作会和 global 打交道吗,有什么冲突吗?
  • 你会怎么向别人介绍中国的情况?
  • 问管理培训生项目。
  • What does the new innovation process do? How the new process fix the broken process?
  • Give an example of product innovation.
  • Any change can be innovation for your process?

1. Do you think some are born more creative than others? What kind of tools you’ll provide to them ? How can you empower them?
2. What's your favorite brand in 1st job? Why? Are you still following the status of this brand now?
3. Give me an example of how you solve its business challenges? Do people like your idea or not?How do you persuade them ?
4. As of the market trend, do you see it is well positioned now?
5. How do you feel about X company takeover bid?

1. Why you think it is a correct decision?
2. Did your CEO communicated the impact and why the decision made?
3. What are the down-side of rejection?

  • You work in X function role? What you do? But before you say, what is the structure of Y Company?
  • So how did you work cross functionally?

1. How do you judge X initiative makes sense?
2. How to persuade marketing to conduct X initiative?
3. So how you convince your cross-functional partners?
4. Any time you failed to convince your partner? And need to escalate `things?

  • Did you work yesterday? What did you do?
  • What are the “quick wins” savings you mentioned? Example?
  • In your essay you mentioned people think you are not X function, why?
  • Are you thinking going to other functions at all?
  • Anything else to share? How’s work different in X country & China?
  • How often you go to factories?
  • Why joined XXX company?
  • Learning from startup experience?
  • Tell me about the Project you did in XXX country
  • Secret of project go-live first?
  • Use plain words to explain what you do at X Company.
  • Explain what it means to “find the computer vision problem”
  • It seems computer vision problems are universally available. How do you pick specific problems?
  • How long do you spend in each of the 3 stages you mentioned??Y
  • ou mentioned you need to find the intersection between technology and business. How do you keep up to date to the latest progress?
  • Why AI is so important to your company?
  • Clarify the startup experience on resume.

Industry Insights

  • What are the 2 main challenges in X industry now?
  • What are the 2 key watch-outs you would give to those interested in X industry in emerging markets?
  • Does X company have competitors?
  • What’s the impact of e-commerce competition to your company?
  • What would you tell your CEO in your company to change
  • Do you think people purchase online are more affluent than people purchase offline?
  • Who are X Company’s competitors??In the field of X who are the leaders??What about those X industry startups??We focused mainly on X companies in US. what about X companies in China such as Alibaba? Ae they threats to US companies??What do you think of the X industry in India??What do you think of the Snapchat IPO yesterday? Do you think it is worth the value?
  • In university, why did you choose that job?
  • Why did you work for this market?
  • Do you have rotation, or you work just in X function?
  • Why grocery stores?
  • The number of sales force?
  • What is your biggest achievement in first company?
  • Who are the most difficult person?
  • How do you change the business model in the second company?
  • How do you put your idea into practice?
  • How do you build X brand?
  • What’s management team style? Their attitude to competitors?

Career Goal

  • What do you want to do post MBA?
  • 你想做教育是因为在X国家的经历吗?
  • 你的长期职业目标是什么?
  • So 10 years down the road, what was your dream job?
  • Thinking of return to X Company?
  • ST and LT goal. What functions are you interested in post MBA?
  • What role in XXX program will you find most challenging post MBA?
  • What startup do you want to do in the future?
  • Any other industries you are interested in, apart from XXX industry?
  • Any companies specifically interested in?


  • Why chose XXX as a major in University?


  • What do you do outside of work?
  • What do you do at your spare time?
  • What do you do outside of jobs?
  • What do you do outside work?
  • Because you play chess, you have X capability?

Why MBA? Why HBS?

  • 你打算在 HBS 怎么发展?
  • How you want to get transformed post HBS?
  • What do you think you can learn from HBS, apart from the extended knowledge you want to get?

Leadership & Personality

  • Who is your favorite leader (apart from my recommender) & why ?
  • What do you personally want to be good at? Why?
  • Currently a team leader. Who in your team do you find most capable?
  • Example of how you treat each team member the same
  • What do you feel differently of getting an award yourself and your team members getting awards?
  • What do you wish to do better as a leader?
  • How did you transform yourself of working alone to working as a leader?
  • What is the best quality that accounts for your success so far?
  • Do you lead people?
  • What your feedback to others?
  • How to be think deeper?
  • What do you need to improve?
  • Because you stay in that environment, you become not innovative?
  • Ending
  • What else you want to say?


  • 面完当时并没有很大的感觉,因为时间很快,但是写总结的时候发现其实AO问了很多方 面的问题,内容量还是挺大的。当然工作内容是主导,也是HBS一贯的风格。
  • 有小伙伴提前告诉我 AO 换人了,不是 Eileen Chang 而是新的 admission head Chad,所以我心里有所准备,而且很快翻了下 Chad 的Linkedin和HBS官网上的profile。发现他有从咨询换到教育(HBS AO)的经历和在中国重庆做 FIELD 的经历,准备好了两个问他的问题。虽然没用上,但是心里有点底总是好的
  • 自己准备的好多比较怕的问题都没用上。比如 why social enterprise,why choose X industry & Y function instead of ABC等等。不过多多准备还是好的,像conflict with global, grow at HBS等都是准备过的。不过 80%的问题还是现场发挥的
  • 面试时自己的形式还是不错的,比较自然,保持微笑,没怎么紧张,也展现了 passion。
  • 自己在回答具体问题时也在尽量多抖一些东西出来,比如我是怎么做的,我学到了什么,尽量展现自己的领导力和思考,这点是做的不错的地方。
  • 不太理想的地方是一开始分不清哪里是闲聊(不适合回答过于正式),哪里开始面试(应该回答正式些),AO 也没有任何提示,一直用同样的语调在问。几分钟后自己觉得应该更主动,就尽量将问题回答得有框架和有深度。回头看的话,聊并购项目的时候算是闲聊吧, 但很明显这个闲聊也是能考察能力的。 并购的事没有事先准备。因为没想到会在这个部分纠缠这么多,虽然问的问题不难,但如果准备的话应该可以答得更好。 Why HBS这个问题还是可以回答得更好一些。比如提到做FIELD project来打磨自己的教育项目,这点不该忘掉。
  • 在哈佛中心面试,提前一个半小时到,然后旁边找了家咖啡馆温习了一下,然后提前半小时上去了,到了之后前台让我等面试官出来。那半个小时应该是我人生中最紧张的时刻了,其实什么都看不进去了。所以后来就深呼吸,起身看看旁边书架的书和墙上一些哈佛历史文献。书架里面两本书很熟悉,也给了我更多的信心。
  • 期间看到chad出来了下,以为他和eileen 一起来的,后来到了时间发现是chad 来面试的。 会议室,我们坐在一个长会议桌的一个角,chad 是很温柔聪明的风格,很容易让人放松,很多问题很顺的从前面的,考察的也挺深的。
  • 最后他说感谢,然后送了我一支HBS的笔,和有他签名的须知卡,然后送到电梯就结束。
  • 问题很random,不可预测,但是对自己经历和行业公司要非常熟悉,大到趋势公司的走向小到自己项目的细节。素材库齐了,现场就能灵活选用。
  • 由于时间很短,回答需要直击重点,但也不要特别追求面面俱到,面试官会根据情况追问的。
  • 整体很conversational ,所以不要像背答案,而是像交谈更好,有互动,自然,自信。
  • Overall, the interview is super engaging and conversational. It made me calm but passionate. I felt Chad knew me in and out through the application package, and he prepared several topics to ask before the session. The questions were all focused on me and my experiences. Throughout the entire session, I can feel he was just trying to know me more, my motive and reason of making every decision, my learning from each experience, and my thought of the future.
  • 我Class Visit上的课是Entrepreneurial Management,让我印象非常深刻,讨论的是CrossFit的案例,大家讨论的 十分热烈和深入,教授也会不断的challenge学生的观点让讨论更进一步。
  • 总的来说面试的交流还算顺畅,花了非常多的时间在industry的问题上虽然有点意外,但还是有先例的





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