

[日期:2017-01-04] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:yerrr25 [字体: ]


我的时间线是这样的,暑假复习了一个月8.5第一次650,8.23第二次690,之后转战托福复习了差不多一个月托福上了100之后,继续看了一个星期gmat考了750. 所以这中间一直都有学习英语所以并不是一个星期就能搞定750的意思。


阅读:我觉得根本就是自身阅读能力,机经虽然有一点用,但是最基本还是靠你到考场去读。我前两次机经阅读四篇全中,成绩不好。 最后一次,只中了两篇还是三篇,反正有我自己去重新读的,我觉得每一篇都需要你重新去读,所以阅读能力很重要。机经只是让你心态好一点而已。因为我托福阅读都是29分,所以考完托福我去考gmat对阅读这块也比较有信心。





First and foremost, it is highly doubtful that …is due to …The only evidence put forward to support the claim is that… happened when…which doesn’t necessarily indicate that…/The mere fact that …is scant evidence that…It is equally possible that…As a matter of fact the author simply not take these crucial criteria in determining …into consideration. Hence, without considering and ruling out all of these alternative explanations, the credibility of the arguer’s conclusion is really open to doubt for the reason that each of the possibilities, if true, would serve to undermine the arguer’s conclusion./ Therefore,the reasoning is wrong unless the author can establish a causal link between …and…
B solely determined by A
Although the trend/tendency cited in the study has remained stable for the past 10 years, there is no guarantee that it/the same trend will continue. It is possible that the trend will fluctuate or even reverse in the future.
Only an example is rarely sufficient to establish a general conclusion.

What’s more, the survey cited cannot act as a solid foundation for the suggestion. For one thing, the author doesn’t prove that the number of the respondents is statistically significant. For another, we know nothing about whether the respondents were representative of the overall group of people in general. Common sense tells us that the smaller the size of the sample, the greater the possibility for biased results, the less reliable the result of the survey and the less reliable any general conclusions drawn from the survey. Worse still, the survey might contain biased questions, and the sample might also be biased. Hence, lacking the information about the randomness and the size of the survey sample, the speaker cannot convince me to believe in the result of the survey—let alone draw any broader recommendation based on the survey/study/research/ result.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the strategy applied in A will have the same consequence in B as in A. Differences between A and B far outweigh the similarities, and thus the course of action may not be applicable to B. For instance, the …is suitable to A because of…which is absent in B. .Therefore, without sufficient information showing that most or even all of the conditions in A&B is similar or the same, deductions based on such analogy are worthless.

The proposition rests on the gratuitous assumption that. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that this is the case. Nor does the author cite any evidence to support this assumption. Hence, we cannot take it for granted that. It is likely that…Lacking this assumption, the conclusion is by no means thorough.

It is assumed without justification that background conditions have remained the same at different times. Apparently, the author fails to take into account that ~~~might have changed. Without such consideration, it is premature to conclude that __.

There is an obvious logical flaw in the argument. In analyzing the benefits, the author didn’t take on account of the costs. It is universally acknowledged that profitability is a function of not only revenue but also cost. It is entirely possible that the cost is so high that it prevents A from earning a profit. Without more information about supply, demand, and production costs, without weighing revenue against expenses the author’s notion is not compelling at all.

What’s more, a quiet important basis for this recommendation is that the only way to… is… Nonetheless, common sense and observations demonstrate that adjoining A and B might turn out to be a better result. / other solutions can also achieve the same goal. For instance, ..
Only through diminishing these possibilities can we come to the conclusion that…

In this argument, the author was trying to convince the audience that. In order to arrive at this conclusion, he provides evidence that. What’s more, he points out that . He also cites the fact that. The saying might look somewhat cogent at the first sight. After a more careful and quick analysis, we can easily identify that the conclusion is based on some dubious assumptions and the evidence is biased due to the inadequacy and partiality in the nature of the evidence cited to justify the conclusion. A careful examination would review how groundless the statement is.

To sum up, the argument is not persuasive as it stands because the evidence cited in the analysis is too weak to lend strong support to what the author argues. To make this argument logically acceptable, the author has to consider and diminish all the conspicuous flaws mentioned above. Only with more concrete evidence can the argument become more than an emotional appeal.




打印 | 录入:steven


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