
《签证十谈》之八:有备无患(mock interview)

[日期:2006-03-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:steven [字体: ]

多做mock interview,多找不同的人做mock interview.

许多朋友对签证的准备都停留在材料准备上,顶多多看看签经,而实际上,interview应该放在重要位置。正如第二谈指出的,interview决定你成功的60%到80%。 关于做mock interview, 有一定要找专家做的说法,其实不然,普通签友同样是你的好听众,只要他们了解签证的基本原则,就能对你的回答中的漏洞给与指出,他们有时间,免费,同时,因为他们自己也在准备,所以考虑的会比较详细,往往会问些你可能并没意识到的问题,这是专家们很难具备的。

Eye contact 是interview最重要的一点,也是老美非常强调的,他们的理论是一个人说谎时不敢看对方的眼睛,所以讲述时,很多签证官会注视你的(当然也有些经验老道的根本不看你)。我们说过DS表格是签证官对你的第一印象,那么问好后的第一眼就是签证官对你的第二印象,说起来可能有些神奇,但确实是这一眼或多或少会影响签证官对你诚实度的看法。










v: What's your long term career plan?
M: (正在犹豫怎么回答)

V: I mean, what will you do after graduation?
M: (老美目光短浅,这也叫long term plan?) I will go back China and join a top consulting firm, such as xxx. i can get a XXX position with global pay. (we smiled to each other,哈,我也目光短浅一把) After working several years in consulting firm, i will start my own business in China, because i believe in the next 5-10 years, China will have a lot of exciting opportunities for us. (其实后来回想起来,创业不提也罢,太容易被VO Challenge)(MilanFan与签证官适时对视一笑,既表现了自己的真诚,也有些投其所好。)

V: Which kind of company will you start?
M: IT company. I have worked for technology industry for 6 years, and I have established strong relationships with many local clients, such as...

V: How can you pay the tuition?
M: I will use my personal savings to cover the first year tuition and expenses, and my parents will help me to cover most of the second year tuition and expenses. While i also need around $10,000 loan from Michigan. Do you want to see my bank statements?

V: Sure
M: (Give all the documents, with a summary table on the top, bank statements in the middle, and a cv at the bottom) (MilanFan材料准备非常详尽。)

v: (Go through all the docs)What's your parents job?
M: They are professors in XXX university.

V: (finally landed on my cv)
M: you can see i've worked 7 years, and most of my clients are local clients. (停顿了一会,为了避免冷场,抛出了第一个杀手锏) Actually I applied 6 top MBA programs, and got four offers, they are... Finally I selected Michigan because i think Michigan fits me the best. (MilanFan这招是为了证明自己学习目的非常明确。)

v: emm... (开始在我的I-20上画圈)
M: (正在思考下一步的对策)

v: (给了一个蓝条)please go to window 10 to get your visa.
M: (这就完了,我还有几个杀手锏没使出来呢?) Thanks you very much! (Smile)





V good morning
Me: good morning, sir

V so you are going to Duke …
Me: yes I will go to Fuqua School of Business to pursue my MBA degree, and it is a 2-year full-time program.

V oh, I see. Where are you working now?
Me: I am working for Reckitt Benckiser (interrupted…)

V Re-cki-tt Ben-cki-ser? (VO have no idea about my company, it is a good chance for me to lead the interview now) (迭戈很老辣地寻找到主动出击的机会
Me: Yes Reckitt Benckiser. We are the No.1 household Cleaning Products Company in the world and our headquarter is based in UK now. Here I bring a booklet with me and you can have a look. (not wait for the response I already picked up our Annual Report Booklet and handed in) (准备非常细致,猜想到签证官可能对他们公司不太了解,连介绍公司的资料都带来了

V (silent and reading the pages of the booklet and suddenly he seemed found a new continent) is Losyl your brand?
Me: yes Losyl is one of the hero brand of our company, it is a super-quality disinfect surface cleaner, one of our premium product. So you know this product? (主动出击开始见效了,从感情上找到了共同的话题

V yes I used this product in US, so you produce it here?
Me: We produce Losyl here in Guangzhou and supply for the whole East Asia region, but since it very premium product and the price is very high, we did not sell it outside Guangzhou.

V en..mm (continue reading the booklet and suddenly he started to show one picture inside the booklet to his colleagues with smiling face)
V (back to the Window and point one of product to me) is this also your brand?
Me: Oh yes. This is one of our newly merged brand in US and we want to enter into US food market as well. So you tried this product before?

V yes very good product (seems he started to miss his motherland)
V (give me back the booklet)
Me: Actually I prepared a whole set booklet included copies of all my Visa application materials, so you can have a look. I marked the numbers on the first page and you can easily find out the detail documents inside. Also I have all the originals, so just let me know if you want to see. (hand in my fantastic and super booklet) (资料准备得非常详尽,并且方便VO阅读

V (receive my booklet and checked the first page to see what inside)
V (silent, reading my booklet, and turn to page of my stock exchange records)
Me: That is all the hostorical record of my stock exchange in past 5 years

V (still silent, turn to the page of my working and payment certification) so you are working for Reckitt & Colman.
Me: Oh yes that is my working certification, which was signed by our HR Director in China. Overall we called ourselves Reckitt Benckiser to be in line with global organization. In China we have 2 plants and I am employed by Reckitt & Colman (GZ) Ltd..

V (continue reading my booklet) so who will pay the tuition?
Me: Myself (I am a little bit over-confident and even forget to mention the scholarship). I have been working for 8 years and my current salary is already in the top range level in China. However it still took me 5 years to save all these money to support my MBA studying in US. Really expensive program but I think it is worthwhile.

V (continue reading booklet)
Me: (waiting but keep eyesight on VO)
V (continue reading booklet)
Me: (feel a little bit too silent, so I decided to say something) Oh it has been raining for a couple of days, really bad weather. (不失时机的small talk

V (continue reading booklet, even not look at me) en..mm
Me: you know this kind of weather is even worse for me.

V (continue reading booklet, now look at me) why?
Me: you know I am responsible for Mortein pesticide products, and the continuous rain almost killed all the mosquitoes here in Guangzhou. (非常出色的一个笑话,VO对他的印象简直就是A++啦

V haha (with smiling face)
V Okay, let me to check whether you are in the SIEVS system or not, and please wait aside for a while and I’ll call you back.
Me: No problem. Thank you. (now I know I already got the Visa, although he did not give me the green paper immediately)
So I waited in the interviewing hall and saw many others were interviewed. 15 minutes later VO called my name and I backed to the Window No.3 again.

V (already have my SEVIS page on hand, inputting something into his computer) when did you get married?
Me: oh, just two months ago, end of March

V what's your wife's job?
Me: She’s working for a securities company, deal with stock exchange stuff

V okay (already have the green paper on his hand), please pick up your visa and passport Monday afternoon 3 o’clock.
Me: Thank you. BTW, since I have business trips next week, so … (interrupted by VO)

V you can ask your friend to pick up for you, or you can come later next week, but only in the afternoon.
Me: Okay got it. Thank you, Have a nice day! (Jumping out of interviewing hall with the green paper).



郑重提示:签证十谈所涉及的任何原则都会有特例,个案不能说明规则的不存在。同时,也非常欢迎广大CDer给予纠正和补充, 让我们的十谈对签友更有指导意义!




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