
Dec 21, Michigan Admission Officer online audio chat

[日期:2005-12-19] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Michigan [字体: ]

Download chat recording with Michigan admission officers (Dec 21, 2005)


Guest: Michele Thompson, Sr. Admission Officer, Ross School, Michigan
Date: Dec. 21, 2005
Time: 10PM - 11PM (BEIJING time)
Place: http://chat.chasedream.com (Registration is not required.)


(1) Introduction to Michigan; (20 mins)
(2) Q&A (30 mins)

We will focus on the following topics on Q&A part:

  • Ross' edge - what is unique?
  • Interview
  • Waiting list
  • scholarships and student loans
  • recruitment for full-time positions and for internships
  • alumni network

In order to make better use of the chat time, you may want to raise your questions prior to the event. In this way, the speaker can provide answers  to the common questions first and then take specific ones through live chat.

Please follow the link to raise your questions:

Please NOTE that it is a precious chance to ask admission officer "GOOD"  QUESTIONS. Please avoid asking those questions that are answered by brochures,  current students and the website. And please don not ask sensitive questions that  admission officers are not authorized to answer.

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