
ESCP Europe 官方答疑

[日期:2014-05-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:ESCPEurope [字体: ]

大家好,本帖是ESCP Europe官方为了分享和宣传ESCP Europe信息、活动而专门开辟的。为了方便大家了解、认识ESCP Europe, 我们特在此挂出中英双语信息。欢迎大家有问题积极提问,会有专门负责招生和宣传的老师为大家解疑。



Hi everyone, this is the official ESCP Europe ChaseDream BBS. We set up this for you to explore more about ESCP Europe. Please feel free to ask any question that’s related. The faculties of ESCP Europe are always there to help you.

A friendly reminder, please raise the questions in English.

Thank you~

?  相关链接/ Related links:

l  ESCPEurope

l  MEB欧洲工商硕士项目: http://www.escpeurope.eu/escp-europe-programmes/master-in-european-business-meb-escp-europe/master-in-european-business/overview/overview-meb-master-in-european-business-escp-europe/

?  关于ESCP Europe:

l  世界上最古老商学院(建立于1819年)

l  全球公认世界最顶尖商学院之一

l  共有巴黎,伦敦,柏林,马德里和都灵五个校区

l  全球拥有上百所学术交流院校

l  来自世界90多个国家的4000多名学生选择ESCP Europe作为实现梦想的起点

l  5000多名企业管理者来到ESCP Europe接受定制的培训以及专业的经理人教育

l  拥有来自200多个不同国家、活跃在世界150个国家和地区的40,000名校友

l  获得了来自世界三大权威商学教育认证组织EQUIS,AMBA AACSB颁发的认证

?  校长Edouard Husson寄语:

l  ESCP Europe成立于1819 年, 是世界上第一所商业学校。于近两百年的历史中成功孕育了数代优秀的商业领导者及企业思想家。欧洲五国多元教学模式独具魅力,校区分布于巴黎、伦敦、柏林、马德里、都灵五大欧洲主要城市。学校有着独一无二的欧洲背景,致力于提供跨文化的商业领域教育以及独特的分析国际管理案例的全球视角。世界三大权威商学教育认证组织EQUIS,AMBA AACSB的认证,更有力证明了巴黎高等商业学院常年位居世界顶级商学院名单前列的实力。

l  与数家国际性集团及跨国公司保持长期合作关系,成功为学员提供了全球范围内丰富的人脉资源及宝贵的的就业机会。

?  关于MEB欧洲工商硕士项目:

l  在一年的硕士学习期间,学员必须在两所校区完成学业(6个月在巴黎主校区,其余6个月在另一个校区,如亚洲、拉美区域)

l  授课语言:英语或当地语言(法语、德语、西班牙语)

l  硕士学习期间,学员要为2家公司解决真实公司商业案例

l  学员可根据个人意愿选择去一个国家进行专业交流

l  多文化交流小组:每个班级由来自35到40个国家的学员组成

l  高品质课程经世界三大商学教育认证组织之一AMBA认证

l  89%的毕业生在毕业半年之内找到满意的工作(其中49%的毕业生在毕业之前就找到工作)

l  毕业生平均年薪4.1万欧到5.7万欧不等(具体差异取决于毕业生年龄、工作阅历、所在国家及具体的行业岗位)

?  About ESCP Europe:

l  The World’s First Business School (est. 1819)

l  Regularly ranked among the world’s best business schools

l  5 ESCP Europe campuses in Paris, London, Berlin,Madrid and Torino

l  100 academic alliances worldwide

l  4,000 students in degree programmes representing 90 different nationalities

l  5,000 high-level participants in customised training programmes and executive education

l  40,000 active alumni in more than 150 countriesworldwide and from 200 nationalities

l  Triple accredited: EQUIS, AMBA, AACSB

?  From Edouard Husson:

l  Established in 1819, ESCP Europe is the World’s First Business School and has educated generations of leaders and entrepreneurs thinkers.

With its five campuses (Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid and Turin), ESCPEurope's true European Identity enables the provision of a unique style ofcross-cultural business education and a Global Perspective on international management issues. Triple-crown accredited (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA), the School isregularly ranked among the very best business schools worldwide.

l  Together with its long-standing relationships with national and multinational companies, the ESCP Europe network provides you aunique career opportunities on an international scale

?  About MEB:

l  1 year in management across 2 countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America

l  Study tracks offered fully in English and/or local languages (French, German and Spanish)

l  2 company projects resolving real business cases

l  1 professional mission in the country of your choice

l  Multicultural group: 35-40 nationalities represented

l  Programme accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA)

l  89% of graduates found a job within six months of the Graduation Ceremony (49% before the Graduation Ceremony)

l  Average yearly salary of 41K - 57K (according toage, professional experience, countries, sectors and jobs)




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