
WSU PhD hospitality 没人总结,偶自己来总结吧~ Interview Questions Sharing [2013-02-22]

[日期:2013-03-21] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:nicolewitch [字体: ]

为了祭奠偶炮灰了的第一个interview,还有为即将到来的next monday第2个interview攒RP。偶看了多个面经贴,结合自己的面试。总结合并了20个interview questions。希望自己礼拜一RP足足,拿下这第二个~

也祝大家good luck,希望这20个问题有用!!

  1. Why you would like to pursuit PhD?
  2. Why our our school/our depatment?
  3. What is your research interest?
  4. What you would like to research on in the future?
  5. Will you continue your research in the same area as what in your master's study?
  6. Could you please share your research experiences?
  7. Introduce little bit about your conference papers.
  8. Introduce an article you dedicated most.
  9. How you would like to rate your data analysis ability?
  10. What you expect from our program?
  11. Introduce yourself little bit? Give us a brief introduction of yourself.
  12. What you consider your strength? / What advantages do you have to be enrolled?
  13. What is your weakness?
  14. What is your career plan?
  15. How will you fill the knowledge gap?
  16. Is the topic you would like to research on an extension of your thesis or a completely new topic?
  17. Who you have in mind to be your future advisor?
  18. Which of his/her article impressed you the most? Why?
  19. How do you think about your ability to collaborate with others? Your collaboration ability?




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