GMAT Basic Grammar
2016/7/12 16:57:59
句子结构及其完整性  逗号的使用:
? Comma alone can't connect 2 independent sentences 单个逗号不可以连接两个独立的句子,必须有连词connecting words
? 逗号后面的And后必须是有主语的完整句子: Tom walked to school, and later ate his lunch. 这种说法错误。 必须改成Tom walked to school and ate his lunch或者Tom walked to school, and he ate his lunch.  Semicolon分号的使用:
? 分号连接的两个句子要有相对独立性,不一定要有连词,且每个句子必须是完整的句子。Tom and Lisa were inseparable; doing everything together. 错误,改成they do everything together.
? 同时在使用分号的时候要保证两个句子是相对独立的,如果作者一开始意图不是独立的,不能用分号;The dam has created dead zones, where fish have disappeared. 这里不可以改成The dam has created dead zone; fish have disappeared. 割裂了句子。
? 但是,在分词用来 分割很多有逗号的并列形式时,分割的部分是可以不单独成句的。如OG里的题目,Tropical bats play important roles in the rain forest ecosystem, aiding in the dispersal of cashew, date, and fig seeds; pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly helping to produce tequila by pollinating agave plants. Colon冒号,在冒号之前的句子必须可以单独成一个句子,各个结构完整.此外要紧挨着要解释的词语
? I love listening to : Classical, R&B and so on. 错误,应该改成I love listening to many kinds of music: Classical, R&B, and so on.    Even though等连词,后面要跟完整的句子。 Because, While,although等状语从句,后面必须有一个完整的句子做主句。只有单独一个从句是不可以的。 Although/Though 后面可以跟形容词或分词结构,不一定要完整句子。The two men, though not trained as pilots, were able to land the plane safely. Thereby/Thus等原因状语,后面也不用跟完整句子,可以跟现在分词,表示前面整个句子的结果。 Then/Also/therefore/however等副词不可以代替连词的作用,特别留意then, do A and then do B.  The reason is 后面要跟that, 不可以跟because;  宾语从句,同位语从句后面的that都不可以省略。  两个句子并列且主语相同,后一个句子的主语必须省略。Tom go to school and he plays basketball. 这里的he必须省略。 While + 主谓宾, and 加主谓宾,这不合适,因为and两边需要连接两个主句,而左边仅仅只是一个从句,要么需要把and给去掉。  Subject-Verb Agreement主谓一致  主语和谓语要搭配,要分辨清楚主语和谓语,经常的错误点就是以一个物为主语,人的某个动作为谓语。 主语和谓语在单数复数上要一致; GMAT经常利用其它的词语来迷惑和隐藏真正的主语,例如介词短语,定语从句,过去分词和现在分词等。 除了And,其它的Additive Words附加性短语例如along with, together with, as well as, in addition to... be accompanied by..except, besides, more than, less than等,都是按照主语的单复数来看,附加性短语不起作用。 就近原则:Either Or... Neither Nor..Not only but also... A or B... A but B...等采取就近原则。  Collective Nouns集合名词如people, army, audience, team, media 等,都是复数。 不定代词如everyone, anyone都是单数;Not one总是表示单数。 SANAM:Some, any, none, all, most 都是可单数也可复数,取决于of后面的名词;但是any和none即使of后面名词是复数,也有可能表示单数的意思; 主语从句是单数 Fragments,Rates这些都是复数形式,而不是意

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