北京 MS 一签过
2009/11/30 17:17:44

签证官: 白人帅哥~ 
ME: Hi, How are you?
consul: 忘了他怎么回答的了....how are you?
ME: good. 
consul: so you are going to learn accounting.
ME: yea... I love accounting ( a lie...) 
consul: ok. then tell me what is depreciation and what are the two kinds of depreciation? (大概意思)
ME:i don't know if i got the right answer, because i didn't learn it at school yet....depreciation is........(后面答案不具参考性)
consul: (他看了看我的156,发现我本科人力资源)why do you change your major?
ME: I don't like human resources management. want to learn sth more practical. 
consul: can i see your transcript from .... university?
ME:do you want the one from ... university (我问他要不要我另一所大学的成绩单,专业是英语)
consul: NO... (看得很仔细)
consul: how many schools did you apply for?
ME: four. and I got accepted by all four... (其实我申请了5所,被拒了1所.... 虚荣心促使我说了4所......)
consul: how long are you going to study at ....University?
ME: two years. 
consul: ok. good luck on your study.
ME: Thanks (说的时候都没抬头看他,赶快收拾东西走人)
注意事项:  有一个华裔GG 问的很仔细,有的人被问了15分钟... 不过似乎没有拒什么人。  里面很热... 后面有饮用水,站不住的可以去后面休息一下....

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