[已录] UBC Sauder FTMBA 面经 [2023.10.27]
2023/12/25 11:24:12
申请过程中,CD 上的资讯给了许多信心和鼓励,故分享以回馈 CD。

约 40 分钟,follow-up questions 问得很细:

Why UBC? Why Vancouver? Why MBA at this stage of your life?
We have a very diverse cohort. What can you learn from this diversity?
Any club you want to join if you are admitted?
Tell me about one corrective feedback you have received.
Are you familiar with our school's values? (Rigor, Respect, Responsibility) Which one do you most agree with?
Tell me about a time that you felt challenged in a different culture.
What is the most significant social involvement you have participated in?
Tell me about one bad decision that you have made as a leader. Did you make any changes afterwards?
In what ways can you contribute to your cohort?
Any questions?


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