Please give a full description of your career since graduating from university. Describe your career path with the rationale behind your choices. (300 words maximum) * - 描述一下你的职业生涯,重点想知道你为什么选择某家公司,为什么跳槽,希望看到你职业的 consistency, 尽量和你的 post mba career goal 相呼应
Discuss your short and long term career aspirations with an MBA from INSEAD. (100 words maximum) * - 毕业后的短期职业目标,topical mba 必须想好的问题,不管你的目标是否会实现,你写 essay 的时候一定要与你自己的职业经历相呼应,make sense 才可以
Give a candid description of yourself (who are you as a person), stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary (maximum 500 words). * - 剖析自己的优缺点,优点我就不赘述了,吹牛逼不用教。写缺点的时候,最好是职业早期犯的小错误,非致命性错误,现在已经改好了的那种,别写什么自己不合群和同事吵架这种致命性错误
Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and explain why. In addition, describe a situation where you failed. How did these experiences impact your relationships with others? Comment on what you learned(maximum 400 words). * - 和上一篇差不多,讲自己成功和失败的例子,注意不要使用和上篇相同的事例就好,原则是一样的
Describe all types of extra-professional activities in which you have been or are still involved for a significant amount of time (clubs, sports, music, arts, etc). How are you enriched by these activities? (maximum 300 words) * - 讲自己的兴趣爱好,最好是能够展现领导力和团队合作精神的例子


写完其它几个学校的 essay 之后,基本 HEC 的 Essay 可以利用的素材就很多了,overlap 的情况比较普遍

Why are you applying to the HEC MBA Program now? What is the professional objective that will guide your career choice after your MBA, and how will the HEC MBA contribute to the achievement of this objective? - Typical 的职业目标 essay, 注意之前经历和之后目标的 consistency 即可,查查学校的课程,活动,alumni 的例子之类的突出你的 motivation
What do you consider your most significant life achievement? - 同 INSEAD 倒数第二篇 essay
Leadership and ethics are inevitably intertwined in the business world. Describe a situation in which you have dealt with these issues and how they have influenced you. - 讲领导力的故事,带过团队最好,没有的话就想一想自己如何在项目和团队中做出贡献,尤其是 project management 方面
Imagine a life entirely different from the one you now lead, what would it be? - 另类问你职业目标的 essay,还是要注意和你经历的相关性,如果当初没有选择做目前的工作,可能会做什么其它的,与现在的工作相关却又不同,切忌写一个毫无关系的方向
Certain books, movies or plays have had an international success that you believe to be undeserved. Choose an example and analyse it. - 透过一个你喜欢的作品展现你的优秀品质



Kira 不难,不要想着去网上找题背答案,题库很庞大,押中题的概率很低还搞得自己很紧张,没有必要


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