London Business School Strategy 面经 [2023.01.31]
2023/3/18 16:50:25
Interviewers: three faculty members in three separate interviews 

Pre-interview Paper: 面试前发了一篇 paper 让我读,面试中会问我相关问题 

Faculty I: (focus on your reason and passion for every decision)

General Questions:

Why you chose your undergraduate school?
Why your undergraduate major? Why are you so passionate about it?
Why PhD?
Do you think you should get more work experience before entering Ph.D.? Why and why not?
Why LBS?
How did you get your RA experience?
What do you think a Ph.D. student does most of their day?
Career plan after PhD.
Other schools you applied to and other interviews you received?
If you received offers from Harvard, Stanford, and LBS, how do you choose?
If you can ask me just one question about the program and LBS, what is it?

Paper-related Questions:

What conclusion of the paper do you find most interesting?
Why do you think the author spent a such long time doing ethnographic research?
What do you think of the methodology?
How does the theory apply to other contexts (e.g.: in big business)? What will be different?

Faculty II: (focus on your research interests)

Introduce yourself.
Why PhD?
Why LBS?
Your research interests + many follow-up questions.
If you have perfect datasets for your research interest, what will you do? How do you measure the variables
Talk about his recent project setting, and ask what I will do to help achieve the goal
Any questions for me.

Faculty III: (focus on your understanding of the paper)

Why is this paper important, in terms of idea and methodology?
Does the paper have external validity? + follow-up questions.
Is there any limitation and how you will improve it? + follow-up questions
Any questions for me.


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