[已录] HEC Paris Finance PhD 面经 [2021.05.17]
2021/6/3 15:51:34
邮件里通知的面试内容:"As part of the interview, we would like you to tell us about a research work of yours. For example, it can be research you did or are currently doing for a master thesis or for an internship or a job. Ideally the topic is in finance or economics, but if you have not done research in finance or economics before, you can present a research work in another field. Please prepare a five-minute presentation with slides (be mindful that five minutes is very short!) We will ask you questions on this research. Think of it as a mini defense. The objective is to demonstrate your ability and motivation to do research and to think thoroughly about a research question."


Self introduction.
Why Finance?
Why PhD?
然后讲自己的一篇研究论文,这个过程非常 challenging,几乎我每讲一个假设、一个结论,program director 都会提出好几个问题,例如 margin constraints 的实际意义、为什么采取这种形式、如何在当前的 covid-19 crisis 中检验等等。接着在这篇 writing sample 的基础上,问了一些关于government role in financial market,covid crisis and financial crisis 这样非常宏观的话题。
最后问了一下手上是否还有其它 offer、给了 offer 是否会接的问题。

原计划 30 分钟的面试持续了将近 1 个小时。


2nd ddl April 20
selected for interview May 10
interview May 17
offer May 26

简单的申请总结:今年申请准备得有些仓促(并且还没有 master 阶段的成绩),又只申了 US 和 UK 的 top program,虽然也拿到了一些不错的 offer 和 wl,但在 04.15 之前都全部(主动地) decline 或者(被动地)reject。我当时已打算找 full time RA,非常偶然地得知 HEC 还有第二轮,于是很简单地改了一下材料就提交了申请,之后非常幸运地拿到了 offer。经历 20、21 连续两年的申请季,我觉得很多时候运气可能是最重要的,那么就祝大家好运!也希望自己在 finance research 中能够做一点微小的工作。

另外,求同去HEC Paris的队友~

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