2005/1/22 9:29:00

之前就想好了,过不过都要写签经,而且也确实觉得有些内容会对大家有帮助,所以,还是写写吧, 希望能够帮助CD的朋友们, 希望大家都能顺利.
V Hi (满脸笑容)
Me: Hi
V You graduated from PKU.
Me: yes, 4 years ago.
V and you worked for company B for 4 years.  (很知道这个公司,边笑,边欣赏状)
Me: it's 3.5 years. Before B, i wored at A for half a year.
V yes, ah, it's also in the xxx industry. you do like xxx.(很兴奋的样子)
Me: yes
Vwhy you changed your job from company A to B?
Me: because in A, I wad doing sales. I definitely knew i wanna do marketing, so i quit and joined B to do marketing.
Vwhat's ur salary?
Me: x,xxx per month.
V smiling: so last year you wanted to go to USC.
Me: yes, the program was also designed for marketing managers. But this year i got a better offer. This program has two features that are specifically suitable for me. First, it has a concentration in Consumer goods marketing. Consumer goods is my field. Second, it allows students to design their own concentrations. I want to study not only marketing but also entrepreneurship.
V how many schools have u applied?
Me: four. all of them gave me admission and two gave me scholarship.
V wow (边笑,边欣赏状).....what are they?
Me: they are 1,2,3,4.
V so what .....after u finish the program?
Me: you mean after graduation? I'll come back to find a senior marketing job in a big company. I want to know, from the top management level, the marketing strategy level, why they can be successful in China's market. And then I'll set up my own company providing marketing consulting to local companies. I want to use my experience, network and advanced marketing knowledge learned from the US to help them to be more competitive in the market. Many local companies have good products, but they just lack of marketing professionals.
一直听我说,一直盯着我的眼睛,很和蔼,但是觉得她好象根本就没听进去,我倒希望她能打断我,揪着其中的某点和我argue, 这至少说明她在思考,但是,没有,根本就不问任何问题,静静地听完,静静地说sorry.
Me: why? i have assistantship!
V it's not financial reason.
Me: It's hard to get a decent marketing job in the US. I'm not doing others. I 'm doing marketing!
V sorry I can't believe you'll come back. sorry.

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