
If you could have a meal with someone that is important to you, who would it be and what you will talk about?

Share interesting things about you that others may not know. (favorite movies/book)
(one interesting thing about you not mentioned in the application process)

Tell us about the most meaningful gift that you have ever received.

Use three words to describe yourself, why you choose these three words?

Tell us about the number one song played on your playlist.

How do you believe the Master of Science in Business Analytics program will prepare you to be a valuable professional within the industry?

How will Olin prepare you for your career?

Which track are you interested in the MSBA program and how that relates to your career?

Describe how you gained an interest in the data analytics industry and how you plan to make an impact within it?

Describe what you would cook for your friends at a dinner party and why?

Based on your background, what can you bring to Olin students and this program?

Describe one of the most important skills that one need to have to succeed  in data analytics industry.

Describe how you want to be involved with the Olin business school after graduation?

If you could have a super hero power, what would it be and why?

如果你可以去火星,条件是和你的家人朋友再也不见面,你愿意吗?(这个是 practice 的题,按理说不会出现,但是 17 题是我的 practice,他是我的 6 道题之一)


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