entric World." Iceland not only has many amazing surreal beauties, but also have many scenes from science fiction movies, even the local residents of Iceland praise the place where they live.

Iceland is the purest country in the world. It has the purest air, water, and simple and beautiful natural scenery in the world. There are high-quality tourism resources that attract people from all over the world, and the beautiful Aurora makes many people yearn for it.  Iceland's glaciers are the halls of ice and snow that tourists all over the world aspire to. So, If I have the opportunity to enjoy a comfortable hot spring in the Blue Lake Hot Springs in Iceland and enjoy the beautiful glacier scenery and beautiful aurora surrounding it, it would be really wonderful. 

Ed1: Where would you like to if you can go back to 100 years ago? You can choose any country except your own.
Ed1: your friend offers you a job in another country, which country would you choose, what job would you choose and why?

Ed2: If you were scheduled an interview for a new job in a country rather than your own, which country would you choose and why?

Ed3: 去一个别的国家工作会选择去哪个国家?

Well, personally speaking, I want to be a digital and social media manager in the sports industry in America.
Firstly, I’m a basketball player, and I have been a sports fan since I was young. Some people say that professional sports are no longer sports but business. For me, it is my dream to be able to work in both the sports and marketing industries that I love. As we all know, the United States is the most developed country in the sports industry in the world and has a complete sports core industry chain. This is where the four most professional sports leagues in the world and the world's leading large-scale multinational sports management company were born.

Secondly, the American sports market is high-developed. The most representative company is the global sports marketing giant IMG. IMG covers all aspects of the sports industry. It not only owns and produces many of the world's most famous sports events, but also provides hospitality services and sponsorship opportunities to help corporate customers build a global brand image. It is my dream to be an employee of this company.

If I were to be in charge of a cultural exchange between two countries, I would choose the United States and Nepal.
In the United States, the individual is the basic unit of social organization, and its culture respects personal values, and also advocates democracy and freedom. This spirit stimulates the enthusiasm of the individual and allows many people to fully realize their wisdom and potential.

However, Nepal has a strong religious belief. So the class system of Nepal is stricter and more rigid than that of the United States. Although Nepal began to implement a market-oriented free economic policy, its

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