[已录] ESSEC GE 申请总结 [2020.02.18]
2020/6/8 18:46:39

拿到 ESSEC GE 的录取思考了两天之后,果断放弃了后面 SAI 的面试,缴了占位费打算去 ESSEC 啦,想起来这一年在 CD 上看到很多有用的资料,来回馈一波。


2019.04 决定出国,搜集出国留学信息资料
2019.05 敲定了法国高商
2019.05 考完雅思
2019.07-2019.11 边考 GMAT 边实习
2019.12 准备文书、推荐信、CV等资料
2020.01.07 R2 ddl 前提交了 Hec Msc Marketing/ ESSEC GE/SAI GE
2020.02.08 Hec 无面拒/SAI 除 Hec 全可面试
2020.02.10 ESSEC 可面试
2020.02.18 ESSEC 网上面试
2020.02.27 ESSEC offer
(后面 SAI 的面试在 03.16 之后,不过 ESSEC 需要再 03.12 前交占位费,所以只能放弃后面的面试了)

02.18 面试 14:00 Singapore Campus

Interviewer: A Professor (领域没听清,Australian)  A Lady (Manager of Marketing, Asian)


Why do you choose ESSEC?
How did you meet you mentor at the first place?
I think your spoken English is much better than I thought, could you please explain why you only got 6.5 in IELTS?
Could you please tell me some differences about your working experience at real-estate company between that of the consulting company?
What do you think of the relationship between the theories and the practice?
What role did you play in your student organization? How did you lead the team to success? (Leadership)
If someone in your team are not active, how will you do?
What have your benefited from your volunteering experiences?
How do you think of social business? (I mentioned in my CV) What do you think of the disadvantages of social business?
In my case, sharing economy (I mentioned in my essay) such as Airbnb not always brings benefits. My apartment is close to another apartment that is displayed on Airbnb, and it was too noisy. How will you address such a problem?
What do other classmates comment on you?
Your question?

My thoughts:

Zoom 信号特别不好,我自己用 4G 听问题都是平均每 10 秒卡一下,只能大概猜一下问题,重复一遍,然后问问面试官我猜的对不对。
面试官的问法会比较刁钻,80% 的问题是我没有准备到的……
自我介绍、职业规划、教育经历、工作经历(基本上 CV 的内容)都没有问到,大部分与 eassy 有关。


ESSEC 两篇 ESSAY 一篇 ML,我是在 CD 上零星看到一些经验贴,稍微整理了一下要点,结合自己的经历写了很长的中文稿,然后找某非中介留学平台的导师语音敲定内容,自己写英文初稿,之后再和老师商讨修改 2-3 轮成稿。

What matters most to you, and why? Tell us the values and experiences that have shaped the person you are. (400 words)
Provide to the Admission Committee any relevant additional information. (400 words)
这个写什么都可以,但是尽可能是你提供的资料、推荐信、CV、ESSAY、ML 里都没有提到的。因为这里有 400 字,可以写比较系统性的东西,拆分成 3-4 个小点来写。我主要是写了推荐信中导师提到的我和导师制定的一个自我提升计划,因为推荐信篇幅有限没有展开,我就在这里详细介绍了想成为xx必备的三个方面,以及我在大学期间是如

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