BU MSMS R2 Kira 面经 Boston Questrom [2020.02.08]
2020/4/3 12:09:31


个人觉得Kira题目库管理学和其它项目是不互通的,我准备的题目也附在底部了,建议把主要的模块school, professional, personal, teamwork这些准备几个故事线可以灵活套用,也比较高效不用死记硬背。
还有呢,断网大法我个人是不建议用的,谁知道会不会被track,我是没看到提及这个骚操作的帖子后续有录取消息,还是觉得考研了好久不要在integrity上take a risk,况且Kira面试占整体比重应该也不算大,还是好好准备来得踏实,供参考。


why MSMS in Questrom, how do we fit into your short-term goal?
Describe a time where you presented an idea that not everyone was on board with. How did you persuade your group to have faith in you?
3.a time when you inspired creativity in others
Describe a time when you faced a significant obstacle to succeeding at an important school project or activity. How did you ultimately find success?
Give me an example of a project you completed that relied heavily on quantitative analysis. Why was this important?



top three factors contributed to your decision to apply MSMS?/ why MSMS? How do we fit into your short-term plan?(MSBA好像是three factors)
what do you expect to learn from MSMS?


a time when you inspired creativity in others
If you could change the world for only one way, what would you do and why?
describe a time when you take a risk and how is the result?
What do you think is the most innovative invention of the last 25 years, and what is one way you would improve on it?
Imagine you are developing a new language, where would you start?
the great failure and what do you learn from it?
what does success mean to you?
How could your best friend describe your personality?
meaningful personal accomplishment


Give me an example of a project you completed that relied heavily on quantitative analysis.Why was this important?
what creative presentation you ever took and how is the result?
Share an experience you used a creative method to solve a problem that you encountered, how is the result?/ Tell me about a time when you think "outside of the box"what happened?
what's the best idea you ever had?
Describe a time when you faced a significant obstacle to succeeding at an important school project or activity. How did you ultimately find success?
Sometimes, it’s easy to jump to conclusions. Tell me about a time when you resisted this urge and made a decision when more facts became available. What was the outcome?
Give me an example of a decision that you made quickly and one that you took more time to make. Which was easier to do?
What company do you want to build? why?
Meaningful professional accomplishment


Describe a time where you presented an idea that not everyone was on board with. How did you persuade your group to have faith in you?
The most important three factors in teamwork
team members do not take responsibility,

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